Chapter 15

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There might be some mistakes!

Julia's P.O.V.

Everything was going good and I could finally relax and enjoy in my days without hospital. Niall and I were going great and he kept his promise. Only friends. But I wasn't sure about it now. Old feelings were waking up. Why now and why? I was pushing them back and hoping they will disappeared again. But they didn't and I didn't have idea what to do.

One night something happened that I will never forget. It was 1 in the morning and I heard someone kicking on my door. I got up lazily from bed and hoped it was something important.

"I'm coming! Stop kicking my door." I yelled. 

I peeked and saw Lena. She was upset and... How does she knows where I live? I didn't told her.

"What?" I asked as I opened door.

"He cheated on me!" She yelled as she went in and sat on couch.

"Who?" I asked her not having strenght to open my eyes.

"Harry! What do you think who?" She yelled again.

"Wait, first of all, breathe and stop yelling. Second, let me wake up. And third, stop yelling for the love of God!" I said to her.

"I'm sorry but I am so upset." She said and started to cry.

"And I thought he loves me. How could I be so stupid?" She said.

"First, how did that happened? And second, I'm sure he wouldn't." I said.

"You sure? I was going to surprise him because we haven't seen in while and there I see him and some brunette kissing." She said.

"Uhh, that's problem. I'm sorry." I said to her because I didn't know what to do.

"Do something!" She yelled.

I came closer to her and hugged her. "I really don't know what to do. Only thing I can remember right now is that we go to sleep. And we can go visit him tomorrow and see what happened." 

"Thanks." She said.

"You can sleep here if you want." I said and let her go.

"You're good friend and I am rude. I didn't even asked how are you." She said and looked to her hands.

"I'm fine. Best I can be. Let's go and rest." I said and went to my room with her following me.

~next morning~

Today was my day off work and I had plenty of time to kick Harry's ass for doing this. Only excuse I will accept that he was on some kind of drugs.

I looked on right side of bed and saw Lena sleeping. I feel sorry for her. She is such good girl and he is doing this to her.

I slowly went out from bed and went to kitchen. I didn't have appetite, so I just drank coffee. It didn't passed long time until Lena woke up. She looked horrible and you could see she cried whole night.

"Good morning, sleepy head." I greeted her.

"Yeah.." She said and sat down on chair in front of me.

"You want something to eat or just coffee?" I asked her pouring coffee to mug.

"Just coffee." She said and I gave it to her.

"Please do something else except staring in wall. I feel like you are dead and I am sitting with ghost." I said to her and she looked at me and smiled.

"You're funny." She said with smile.

"Thank you, I try my best. Now lets go and find you something to wear." I said. There wasn't anything different in her wardrobe and mine. We wore same number and it was easy to wear clothes from each other.

"Pick what ever you want." I said opening my closet. I took jeans and pink shirt.

Soon we were dressed and we were off to their house. As far as I know they weren't going anywhere today. I was pissed off on sight of my best friend sitting like skeleton. Harry is going to hear me. He is going to get lecture like never before.

Taxi stopped at their driveway and I paid him. We marched of and knocked. Louis opened. When he saw us you could see he had that 'oh crap' look.

"I need to know where Harry is." I commanded coming in with Lena following me.

"He is asleep." He said closing door.

"Can you explain me why did he cheat on Lena?" I asked.

"Uhm, he was drunk. Some fan brought him home and I think she kissed him." He said feeling guilt.

"Oh." I said looking down. "Sorry for attacking you." 

"Its alright." He said.

"Do you know where Zayn is?" I asked him.

"He is in his room with Niall." He said.

"Thank you." I said going upstairs.

I came to his room and knocked. I could hear him and Niall talking and some footsteps coming towards door. It was Niall who opened.

"Hi." He said surprised.

"I need to talk with Zayn." I said and he left.

"Its okay, I'm not mad at you anymore. Niall explained me everything." He said when I sat down next to him.

"Why were you mad?" I asked him.

"I guess it was because you promise you won't do anything to hurt Niall and you did." He said and you could read guilt on his face.

"Okay." I said with that weird expression on my face.

"Why are you here? I thought you are never ever coming here." He said and smiled.

"I came with Lena. Harry cheated." I said getting up and Zayn followed.

"But he didn't." He protested.

"I know Louis told me. And now Lena is out from her skin. Its like she isn't alive anymore." I said.

"I'm sure everything will be okay." He said.

As soon as we came downstairs everyone could see we are good. Someone was missing. It was Lena. I could only think where is she.

After few minutes we could see Harry and Lena coming down. He did remember what happened but he said he couldn't stop it. They got better and now we could all be friends. To celebrate that we went to Nandos. We had fun and I loved my life this way.


This is last update for a while. I'll probably update again on Friday or later..

One with happy ending because I love them. I could speed up this story a little bit. What do you think? Give me feedback and I love you all.. :)

Gif on side never fails to make me laugh and I just adore it. Don't you think its funny?

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