Chapter 13

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There might be some mistakes!

Julia's P.O.V.

Two days passed since Josh died. His mum came and organized funeral. I didn't have strenght to go over there because I would cry again. That was one thing I didn't want to do. Now I am talking to doctor.

"Well, miss Julia, it looks like you can go home if you want so." He said.

"Of course I want. I'm sick of this hospital." I said getting out from bed.

"Sure you are but you still have to be careful with your ribs." He said and went out.

Best feeling in whole wide world. I can finally go home. But I don't wanna live with boys, so I am going to have find apartment on my own. And apartment means I have to find job. Everything as long as I can go out from this place.

I dressed myself and I greeted doctor on my way out. I could actually feel coldness that was outside but I didn't mind. It was great feeling to take care for myself and not having someone who I don't know to do that.

I came in front of house and I kinda expected that no one is home. So, I could just take my stuff and go away from there. But car was there and I knew they were home.

I entered and I kinda sneaked through house. I heard something crashing down and I saw Liam next to me.

"You are home! And why are you sneaking through house?" He asked me picking up pieces of glass from floor.

"Doctor let me out and I kinda hoped no one will see me." I said. I could hear other boys coming down the stairs. Zayn didn't look so happy seeing me here.

"What is she doing here?" Zayn asked.

"'She' has a name and I came to pick up my stuff." I answered to him.

"Even better. We don't need you here." He said.

"Fine then." I said and went to my room.

I didn't care what is he saying. I took my suitcase and I packed all of my stuff. I got message and read it.

From: Zoe :)

We came home from our school trip. I will come to hospital. xx

For: Zoe :)

I am not in hospital anymore. Can I stay at your house for one night? xx

From: Zoe :)

Sure.. xx

I took my suitcase and I went downstairs. I saw them all sitting in living room. I came to the door not turning to them.

"You can stay here. We don't mind." Liam said.

"Thank you but I would rather go somewhere else." I said and turned to them.

"Don't listen to Zayn. He is just.. You know." Harry said.

"I know and he isn't only reason I am going away. There are more of them." I said and went out.

I called taxi and gave him directions to Zoe's place. He drove me there and I rang to her door. She opened and hugged me tight. My ribs started to hurt me.

"Zoe, ribs." I could barely say.

"Oh, sorry. Its just, I missed you so much." She said and let me go.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Sure." She said and let me in.

We had some kind of girls night and it was just what I needed. She helped me find job and apartment. I am going to see them tomorrow and I hope it will turn out good.

~next morning~

I woke up with great feeling in my stomach. It gave me hope for good day. I had deal with lady that we will find in front of building in 9. I dressed properly and I went there.

"Hello, I am Lana. I am here to show you this apartment." She said and we went in.

We came inside and I could see its bright room. There were three rooms and they had all things in their places. Rent wasn't much and I decided I am going to rent it. I could see myself in it. And hopefully I will sleep here tonight.

After that lady went away, I headed towards Starbucks. It was place where I should get job. On my way there I saw Nandos is looking for female waiters. I think I should give it a try. I went in and came to girl that worked there.

"I am here for job." I said to her.

 "In hallway, first door on left." She said while showing my way.

I headed like she told me and I found myself standing in front of big brown door. I could hear someone is inside, so I waited. Soon, door opened and strict older lady came out with young tall girl. She called me in. I gave her papers and she looked at them and then at me.

"Why do you think I will give you this job?" She asked me looking behind her big glasses.

"Because I am young and when I was little I often went with my dad to his job. Over there I helped him with his job as waiter. I don't have any written experience but I know how to do it." I said and she looked more friendly now.

"Do you live somewhere near?" She asked bending behind in her chair.

"Yes, only few streets away." I said to her feeling little bit uncomfortable.

"I think I could give you a chance. Come tomorrow at 8. I will show you what you have to do and I will see if you are good enough for this job." She said and showed me door.

"Thank you." I said and went out.

For: Zoe :)

I rented apartment and I got test period in Nandos.. :) xx


I hate that I have to write argues between Zayn and Julia and I have to start write something happy, or I am going to die. Give me feedback.. Bye :*

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