Chapter 1

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There might be some mistakes!

I'm starting to dedicate my chapters. :) This one is dedicated to biluvsonedirection because she is one of first friends that I met here. And I love stories that we invented but they were never published :(


I took bowl full of cereals and went to living room. I sat on couch and turned on TV. Spongebob Squarepants was on. I left it because I missed my cartoons. I missed my childhood. I missed days before I met him. Boy with blue hair and light blue eyes. The boy that goes by name Niall James Horan. I hate him. I don't know why. I had hundreds of discussions like this. I missed him in my life but I was too proud to say anything.

"Morning babe." Bryan said. "I won't be home today. I have rehersals and all those crazy things." He said and went out.

Great. I'm home alone and I don't have any friends over here. There has to be something to do with this stupid city. Think, think... I know, I'll visit my sister. I haven't seen her in ages.

I turned TV off and went to my room. I opened closet and looked for something to wear. I choose blue skinny jeans, black hoodie and black uggs. I took my purse and went there on foot.

I ranged and maid opened. 

"I'm here for my sister." I said to her.

"Come in, I'll call her." She said and went for my sister. I looked around.

"Julia!" I heard someone yelling behind me. I turned around.

"Hey you. I'm here to take you out. Get ready." I said to her. 

"I don't need to. I just have to take my jacket." She said.

We went out and started moving. I took quick look around. Everything was covered in snow and most houses had their own snowman.

"So, what's new?" I asked her.

"Uh, pretty much nothing. You?" She asked me back.

"Same." I said.

"So, I was reading my magazine when I found out my older sister is dating Niall Horan. Why didn't you tell me?" She was bit upset.

"I didn't feel like telling you." I said to her. "And besides, we broke up few months ago."

"I know. What happened?" She asked. 

We came to Starbucks and waiter gave us table. We ordered and he left. I remembered everything I said and everything he said. It was MY fault. I hate myself for that what I did and I couldn't say her. Its something I have to live with.

"Its not worth of saying." I said to her. I had to lie.

She sighed and we continued our talk. We talked about boys, school and friends. She actually had good grades and many friends. I was happy for her. We came out and had little snowball fight. I got her to my grandma's house and we said goodbye.

"Thanks. I had great time." She said.

"Me too. Bye." I waved at her while I was walking toward Bryan's.

I hope he is back. I miss him a lot at last. He is always out and doesn't come back until I fall asleep. It made me suspicious but It didn't bother me.

I came to flat and unlocked door. As I expected, I was alone. I threw my purse on couch and went to kitchen. I didn't have lunch, so I was pretty hungry. I had huge sandwich. I was tired and I went to bed without shower.

Something woke me up. Moving in bed. I looked over at clock. It was 1 in the morning. Bryan was the one that was moving. He smelled like alcohol. I didn't want to say anything because I know I would get slap in my face is I ask Where he was. He hates me being jealous.. I wasn't happy with this. Only thing that missed was proof that he is cheating me.

~next morning~

I got up from bed and took shower. I got out and dressed myself. Black bra and matching panties, short and baggy shirt. I went downstairs to kitchen. I found note on table.

Hey babe. Another day in studio, recording new album. I should be home around 6. Love ya!

- Bryan

He isn't here again. He isn't here when I wake up and I miss that. He doesn't even threat me like his girlfriend. I miss his warm body and his kisses.

I took bowl and made myself some cereals. I sat behind table and started eating. I was looking around apartment. It was mess. Suddenly I saw something flat on table. It was Bryan's phone. He must have forgot it.

There is my chance to find out if he is cheats me. No, I have to respect his privacy. But he is so strange lately. I have to do it because of myself and if I don't find anything I will have to believe him. Oh, how I wish I was wrong.

I unlocked phone and putted his password. I knew it very good because it was date and month of my birth. I checked his messages. There was many messages with girl named Marie. They were very stressful for me. He invited her out every evening and kept promising he will break up with me. But he didn't. He cheated me and her. 

I couldn't believe he did that to me. I trusted him and he used me. He is such man whore. I hate him and I am so angry.

I went upstairs and packed all my things. I could bet he will come late and he will be drunk. Maybe I find lipstick on his shirt this time.

I believed him. He was everything to me after my crazy break up. He gave me hope everything will be OK and made me feel loved again. He was my support in every way and I believed I am the only one. How could I be so stupid?

I took my suitcase and threw it in the wall. I become weak at knees and fell on floor. I covered my ace with my hands and started to cry. I wish one of my friends is here to help me with this. I got over my weak moment and repacked my suitcase. I called airport and got ticket for London at 7 pm. I couldn't stay here anymore. This was thing I was searching for to leave him.

I was sitting in dark. I heard door opening and someone coming in. He turned on light and saw me sitting on couch.

"Julia? Are you OK?" He asked.

"I need you to come and sit here in front of me." I said and he did how I asked.

"How long?" I asked him holding my tears.

"How long what?" He asked.

"How long are you cheating on me?" I asked again.

"3 weeks." He said and putted head in his hands.

I got up. "I trusted you and you did this. I can't feel anything for you anymore. Bye, Bryan." I said and started walking toward door.

"No, wait..." He said and grabbed my hand. "I need you."

"No, you don't need me. I am just your puppet. Let go of my hand." I said to him but he pressed my hand harder.

"Let go, it hurts me!" I yelled at him.

"You are not going anywhere!" He yelled back at me.

I slapped him across his face. I got my hand out and went out from house. He ran behind me, took my hand again and slapped me on my cheek.

"I said you are not going anywhere." He said.

I got my suitcase in my hand and slapped him in face with it. He fell on ground and I ran away. He'll be okay. I just passed him out. I went to the airport and came back to London. I felt safe there.


Hope you like Chapter 1. I know I love it.

So, I am supposed to write dramatic chapter and all I can think of is gif on the side. Unbelievable..

Read, comment, vote and share.

Bye :*

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