Chapter 6

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This chapter is dedicated to hugmehoran because she seems like nice girl, even know I didn't talk to her.

There might be some mistakes!

Julia's P.O.V.

"Should we wake her up?" I heard one voice asking.

"I think we should." Another one said and someone shook me awake.

I opened my eyes and I saw two girls looking at me. They were Lena and Zoe. I looked over at clock and it was 5:08 pm.

"I fell asleep." I mumbled to myself.

"You're up. Eleanor and Danielle will be here soon. We brought popcorn." Lena said.

"Great. I just need to get my laptop." I said and went up stairs. I fell asleep down stairs on couch. I came to my room and searched for laptop. It was on my desk. I had blue laptop. 

I brought it down stairs and El and Dani already came. They brought several movies and from all of them we picked Titanic. In the middle of movie, I went to check my phone. I had one new message.

From: Louis - BooBear :)

I still worry. Maybe we can skype later? xx

For: Louis - BooBear :)

I have some girls over here. I'll see if I can.. Can't promise anything.. xx

From: Louis - BooBear :)

El told me she is going there.. Hope to see you tonight.. xx

Movie ended and we all cried. Who doesn't cry on Titanic doesn't have heart. After that we talked about everything. We went over every subject we could find. We found out that we have lots of things in common. I got up and went to kitchen to bring more juice. I came back and heard them mentioning my name.

"Do you think she is better than she was?" Zoe asked Eleanor.

"She is definitely better than she was and I think she is getting even better." She said.

"Do you think we should tell her to watch it?" Danielle asked.

"Tell me to watch what?" I asked her.

"Uhm, nothing. What movie should we watch?" She tried to change subject.

"Don't try to change subject. What should I watch and you don't want me to watch it?" I asked her again.

She took my laptop and tipped in 'One Direction singing Everything about you in Louisville'. It played and I heard him saying.

"This one is for one special person. You know who you are." He said and they started singing. 

"And this wasn't dedicated to Demi. Her favourite song is Same Mistakes." Dani said.

I was like frozen. His eyes looked like they sparkled as he sang every word of that song. He dedicated it to Demi. Its not for me. I'm not his anymore and its final.

"Are you okay?" Zoe asked.

"I just need to be alone." I said looking down instead on laptop.

"Do you want us to leave?" Lena asked.

"Please..." I said and tears were falling from my eyes. 

"We are going then. Please don't do anything stupid." Lena said and they all hugged me.

Door closed and I locked them. I took laptop and went to my room. I looked down at my hand. Big, red N was looking for attention. It looked like it was healing but you could see it. I knew that big scar will be there. I shouldn't do that and I really don't know why I did that. I felt big hole inside myself and I am feeling it now. And that hole isn't becoming any smaller. On opposite, its becoming bigger and I am feeling like its going to come out and I will see it.                                                                                                     

I heard some strange noises coming from my laptop. I looked over at it and saw Louis wants to talk with me. Over skype.

"Hi Louis." I wore fake smile and tried to look happy.

"Hey there. How are you?" He asked me.

"Its getting better and better." I smiled.

"You look different. It must've been long time we didn't see because you changed." He said.

"Its been four months now." I said to him.

"Can I see your hand?" He asked.

I showed it and looked away.

"Wow, its pretty big." He said.

"Yes, it is and it was even worse than its now." I said to him. He looked away.

It seemed like there is someone else in room with him.

"Louis, who's that with you? I don't wanna talk to anyone else." I said to him.

"Hi, Julia." I heard someone yelling and curly haired boy waved at me.

"I don't know how he did it but he saw something's bothering me. I just had to tell him. Besides, you only told me I can't tell Niall." He said with guilt in his eyes.

"I told you to not say Niall and that meant no one from boys! You just can't keep secrets!" I yelled at him.

"Please don't be mad." He said.

"You know what, I think that I don't wanna talk to you anymore. Bye Louis.." I said and ended call.

I just don't know who I can trust. I had that bad feeling for myself. Like I did something wrong. I know I shouldn't yell at him but I really didn't want him to say someone. I was feeling broken again and with that I fell asleep. There on my bed with Niall on my thoughts.


Here's chapter 6. Hope you enjoy it.. Tell me what you think and give me some kind of feedback.

Bye :*

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