Chapter 18

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There might be some mistakes!

Julia's P.O.V.

There were some rude people on my work today. I hate this kind of people. I do everything to help them with their choice and they end up yelling at me. And then I'm rude. It sure wasn't good day today. I just can't believe I'm saying this but I want to go back to hospital. I want to get rid of this thing from me and I can't wait to be clean.

I was walking home and I had to be careful no to get run over by some car. And it was pretty hard because I could punch someone in face how pissed off I was.

"Hi Jul." I could hear Louis' voice. I looked at my left and saw him having his hood up but this time without glasses.

"Hi Louis." I said and continued walking. Before I could ask him what is he doing here I heard another voice.

"Hi babe." Harry. He always calls me babe.

"Hi Harry." I could see Harry wearing same thing and he was on my right.

"Hi Julia." I heard Liam's voice and saw him walking next to Louis.

"Hi." I said. I could expect two more boys.

"Hello." I saw Zayn joining on Harry's side.

"Hi." I said.

"You have to get ready fast. We're taking you out." Liam said.

"I really don't want to go out. I had really bad day. Can I ask where is Niall?" I asked and they shared looks.

"But you have to come with us. Niall's already waiting for us." Louis said.

"I really can't and I don't want to. I'm so tired." I said and tried to escape from them. But look who am I going away from. From boys that are running away every day.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease..." They started to beg me on the middle of street.

"Can you please just be quiet? Okay, I'll go but better this be something good." I said.

They had big smiles on their lips and I could see this isn't going to be something good. We came to my apartment and I went to my room to dress something. I picked out my purple T-shirt and white skinny jeans. I matched some shoes with them and I was ready to go.

We went with their car. I could see we are leaving city and that we are heading on some odd place. It was dark and we were still driving. I was starting to get afraid because I didn't know where are we going. I knew I could believe them, they were my friends. But there was always one but...

"Okay, we are going out here." I heard Louis saying. He was standing in the middle of nothing.

"But..." I tried to say something but I was cut off by Harry.

"You might wanna take this." He shoved Ipod and headphones in my hands.

I went out and waited for them to come out. But they didn't. The second I came out, they drove away. I was afraid and lost. I swear I am going to kill them when I see them. If this is prank, I am sure it isn't funny. My day started so well and it was getting even worse.

I looked at Ipod they gave me. I turned it on and there was track that said Play me. I played it and I could hear Niall's voice.

"I know you are scared and that you probably feel lost. Don't worry. I am here. I'll give you some instructions that you have to follow if you don't want to get lost. Okay?" I heard that it stopped.

I will kill him so hard when I find him. I swear he will wish he is buried two feet under ground.

"I guess you said okay. Boys didn't leave you far, so you shouldn't be tired when you come here. First go 10 steps right. After that, go 5 steps straight. Be careful, so you don't fall.... Did it? Now go 4 steps left. And after that go 2 steps straight." I paused record here. I did what he said and I felt something under my feet.

"You should feel something under your feet. Pick it up and press." I did as he said and I could see path lighting up. It was much better to walk now. I could see I am far away from road and I saw sand.

"Go to the tree and you should find note there. Its not from me." I ran to the tree and picked up note.

Its not our fault. Its Niall's fault. We had to do as he said and believe we think it will pay off that we went without you. Just keep going and have fun.

- Love Louis, Harry, Liam and Zayn

I took it with me and continued by instructions that I got. It was pretty nice and I got all excited.

"I know you probably had bad day at work and I'm sorry but this will make you forget everything. Just keep going you're almost there. Oh, you should find one more note at the end of path. That one is not from me either." I was all buzzing and I couldn't wait to come until the end.

This one is all written by me. Hope you have lots and lots of fun. Don't forget to kiss Niall at the end. And don't you dare stay long outside. Liam says he sends you lots of kisses and good luck.

- Louis

"This one is last before you reach the right end. I'll try my best. Just continue walking towards lighted candle." He said and that was end of recording.

I had mix of all kind of emotions inside myself. I was starting to get butterflies that I thought went dead long time ago. I was wrong. They were getting more and more crazier. I felt like I am going to explode every second. That's what it felt like to be excited until the very end.

When I came to lighted candle, there wasn't what I expected. Just me, candle and blanket. I sat down and waited because I didn't get further instructions. I got more and more excited and I felt someone's hands on my eyes.

"Guess who it is." I heard male voice in Irish accent.

"Niall." I said and turned around.

I saw him. He looked all beautiful and had his guitar with him. He gave me red rose and started to play him guitar. I heard familiar melody. It was Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars.

We'll do it all, Everything, On our own, We don't need, Anything, Or anyone, If I lay here, If I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?

I don't quite know, How to say, How I feel, Those three words, Are said too much, They're not enough, If I lay here, If I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world? Forget what we're told, Before we get too old, Show me a garden that's bursting into life.

Let's waste time, Chasing cars, Around our heads, I need your grace, To remind me, To find my own, If I lay here, If I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told, Before we get too old, Show me a garden that's bursting into life, All that I am, All that I ever was, Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see, I don't know where, Confused about how as well, Just know that these things will never change for us at all, If I lay here, If I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?

It was so beautiful that I had to cry. It was like emotions going all out and showing how happy I am. I just couldn't picture something like this head. Never. It was too perfect.  

"I just can't wait anymore and I think that you and I deserve to be happy together. I love you and I don't want to let you go. So would you lay down with me and forget about the world?" He asked.  

"I just can't tell how much I love you too. And yes, I would love to." I said and kissed him.

Our lips moved perfectly. It was just like nothing before happened and like nothing will happen after. Just me and him locked in this one perfect moment. Me and my perfect boy.   As it was expected, we were laying on blanket and watching stars. It was warm night and if I felt cold I had Niall by my side. I was happy again and my life finally moved in right direction. Perfect one, the one that I wanted. That one that had Niall in it.   _____________________________________________________________________________________  

I am sorry because I'm late with updating. Its been so long week for me because of school. I can't wait for Christmas breaks. Thank you, no massive thank you for 1,000 reads and keep awesome reading.

What do you think? I am such obsessed with those romantic moments and I just love to write them. I always have different one on my mind. Comment and vote. Love ya. 

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