Chapter 4

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This chapter is dedicated to bex_the_box because she is first person I talked with. She is very nice and kind. You should check her profile.

There might be some mistakes!

Josh's P.O.V.

Yeah, I got job. Today is first day and I will be late. My shift starts at 5 pm and its 4:45 now. I guess I'll have to run.

I got out from my house and started running. I had few more steps when I saw my friend in car. I waved at him and bumped into someone. We fell on ground.

"I am so sorry." I started apologising.

"Look what you did to me. You need to be more careful next time." She said and looked me into eyes. She was beautiful. She had blonde hair and dark blue eyes.

"I am so so sorry but I have to go. Maybe I can take you out to get new coffee sometimes." I said to her.

"But you don't have my number." She said.

"Then this is excuse to get it." I said to her.

She looked at me from head to toes. She gave me her phone and I gave her mine.

"I am Josh by the way." I said and stretched my hand.

"Julia." We shook hands and I had to go.

Julia's P.O.V.

Shirt ruined by my coffee. Some crazy, stupid boy bumped into me and it happened. He had dark brown, almost black hair and green eyes. He was cute but he should watch where he's running.

"Wow, what happened to you? I leave you for few minutes and I find you wet." Eleanor said coming out from shop. She nearly burst out from laughing.

"You can laugh as much as you want but its not funny at all. Some boy named Josh ran into me." I said and she stopped laughing.

"So I have to drive you home now?" She asked me.

"It would be nice of you." I said. We came to the car and we were in front of my house.

"Thanks for drive." I said.

"Are you sure you'll be okay alone?" She asked me.

"Yes, you don't have to worry. I won't do anything crazy or stupid. Look, I was thinking of girls night tomorrow. What do you say?" I had everything figured in my head.

"We can do that. Movies, ice-cream and five of us. I think its great idea." She said.

"Okay. Around 5? You tell Danielle and I will tell Zoe and Lena." I said and came out from car.

"See ya." She said.

"Bye." I said and started to walk towards door. I unlocked them and went in.

I went to my room and took off my shirt. I took over sized T-shirt that had stripes and putted it on. I came downstairs and turned computer on. I know what I didn't do for long time. I wasn't myself. Girl that loved to sing and dance and just chill around. I went on Youtube and found my favourite song that I loved to dance on. The Time by Black Eyed Peas.

I set it loudest that I could and danced to kitchen. I took chips and beer. I just wanted to be myself for while. Of course, my loud music came back to me and I almost had problems. I heard loud knock on my door. I opened them and there was my next door neighbour. It was old lady in her mid-fifty's. Her hair was bit grey and she had brown eyes.

"I think your misic is too loud, young lady. Whole neighbourhood can hear you. You should turn it off." She said showing her index finger.

"It won't be so loud anymore because I am just about to leave." I said and closed door in front of her. I think I could hear her saying how rude I am.

I took blanket and my phone with earpieces. I figured out that around here is one of clearing and that I could spend my evening there. It wasn't too cold, so I don't need anything else except blanket. I walked slowly trying to enjoy in this. I came there and put my blanket on ground. I laid there and put my earpieces in my ears. Talking To The Moon by Bruno Mars started playing. I could see moon. It was big and bright. I saw star falling. 

"I wish I can have my Niall back." I said to myself. 

Niall's P.O.V.

We were in Louisville about to get out on stage and preform for our girls. Demi was here too. She looked perfect but something didn't feel right. I like her and everything but there is one BUT. And that BUT is Julia. I can't stop thinking of her. Demi is nothing like her and I can't help but feel she is only break-up girl.

"Boys, get ready." Paul said bringing me back to reality. "3,2,1 and run!" He yelled. Thousands of girls started screaming and we started to sing.

Lips were singing good known lyrics for song Na Na Na but I was far away. While we started touring UK and Ireland, I hoped I will see her somewhere between girls. But she wasn't there and that kinda broke my heart to the end. I know I should be mad and angry at her but I can't I still love her.

No, we can't make up our minds,

'Cause when we think we got it right.

We go na na na. 

"Hi guys. I hope you are ready for some fun today." Louis yelled in his Doncaster accent. Girls just went crazy and started to scream even more. We sang and sang and we finally got to the song Everything About You.

"This one is for one special person. You know who you are." I yelled and song started to play. I liked my part and sang it like never before. 

After our performance I came to bus and I went to bed. Before I fell asleep I looked outside the window. I saw falling star.

'I wish I could get Julia back.' I thought to myself.


Josh part should go in chapter before but I put it here because I thought it will be too much in that one. So, its here and please read it.

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Bye :*

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