Chapter 12

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There might be some mistakes!

Julia's P.O.V.

I didn't saw anyone from boys yesterday. And for thruth's sake, I didn't want to. maybe just talk to Louis and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

It was beautiful day and I didn't want anyone or anything to ruin it. I will take care for that. I felt pretty bored yesterday. Josh told me all girls are out from town. They had to. Some of them because of work and some of them because school.

Someone came into my room without knocking. I could see its Louis. He came closer to my bed and he hugged me. I hugged him back too.

"How do you feel?" He asked me while sitting down.

"I'm good. Great actually. And you?" I had to ask.

"I'm fine." He said. "Look, its not that I didn't want to come but I couldn't. We were busy." He started with apologising.

"I know but you could've call." I said.

"I just didn't have strenght. I knew you will be sad and I couldn't hear you like that. But I will make it up to you." He said.

"How? You can't turn back time and call me." I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"I will and I have to ask you something. Can you just talk to Niall and listen to what he has to say?" He asked me.

"I just... Can you leave me alone?" I asked him and he left without saying anything.

I felt myself crying and I don't know why. I had one of sad moments. I didn't need anyone right now. I felt alone and it was my fault I felt like that.

I heard knock on door and Josh came in.

"Hey, don't cry. What's wrong?" He asked me.

"I just can't do this anymore. I feel like I'm going to give up every moment." I said.

"No, you won't because you are strong. And you've always been. You can't give up now. Stay strong for you. For me." He said. It made me feel little better.

"I'm gonna try only because of you. And because you asked politely." I said and whiped tears away.

"What are we going to do today?" I asked him closing my eyes and going with my fingers through my hair.

All I could hear was loud noise of someone falling. I opened my eyes and I saw Josh on the floor. I jumped of bed.

"Is this a prank? Josh wake up!" I started yelling. He wasn't waking up and I called nurse.

"What happened in here?" She asked me when she saw Josh.

"I don't know. I closed my eyes for second and he was on floor passed out. Please, help him." I started to cry.

"I need doctor in here." Nurse yelled and my doctor ran in. They were whispering something and soon after they drove him on surgery. I had to stay outside and wait for someone to tell me how is he.

Why now? Did this had to happen? I need to be with him and he needs to live. They have to save him. He needs to stay with me. Who will be with me if he dies now? He can't leave me.

After surgery, that lasted for 3 hours, doctor finally came out.

"I'm sorry but he won't make it through night. He isn't that strong." He said and went back.

I was crashed. He will go away and leave me alone. I saw them driving him in his room. He was asleep. They said I can go in if I want.

I sat next to him. i saw his dark brown hair and I remembered his green eyes. I could remember how we met. It was funny and it would make me smile every time. I remember how we became friends in short time. He is everything to me and i am losing him. This just doesn't happen to good people.

"Julia... I feel powerless." I heard Josh's voice.

"Its alright. I know that feeling. It will disappear soon." I sad my eyes filling with new tears.

"What happened?" He asked barely looking at me.

"You were in my room and you passed out. You had surgery." I said to him leaving out important part.

"I knew this will happen one day but I hope it won't be so soon. I'm sorry." He started apologising.

"You don't have anything to be sorry about. You can make this. Just stay strong for me." I repeated his words.

"No, I can't. I know what is going after this." He said.

"But I still need you." I said looking down.

"I know. but now you have to be strong for yourself. I know you can do it." He said making pause. "I have something to admit. You weren't just a friend to me. You were something more. I liked you as girlfriend."

"I know. Everyone could see that. I would love to say I feel the same for you but I don't." I sad.

"Its okay. I enjoyed every moment that we spent together." He said.

"I did too." I said.

"Promise me you won't give up no matter how hard it was." He said.

"I won't." I said.

He died through half of hour. I cried like never before. I found some pen next to his bed and I wrote 'Stay Strong for J' on my hand. I pressed button to call nurse and I went out from his room. I came to my room and I had total breakdown.

I heard someone knocking but I didn't want to answer. That someone went in.

"I would like to talk to you." I could hear familiar voice saying.

"And I don't wanna talk to you." I said to him. I was lying in bed crying.

"Then just listen." Niall said sitting in front of me.

"You know, this is all your fault." I said getting up. "If I didn't met you, I wouldn't met him. I wouldn't be hurt like this. And if I say I don't want to talk to you, I don't wanna. now get out and leave me alone." I yelled at him.

He was speechless and he went out.


 You don't know how sorry I am for not uploading. I have so much work and school is literally killing me. I don't have time for anything. Hope you like this chapter and I love you all for reading this sh*t.

Also, I want to tell you that book 1 reached 6,000 reads. I am so happy. Thank you!

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