Chapter 2

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There might be some mistakes!

This chapter is dedicated to nikiluvs1D because she is my best friend here. She is always here when I need talk and we had pretty funny moments together. You should check her stories.


Julia's P.O.V.

 I was walking down the street. Yes, I wa in London but I came around 1 am. Why? Because there was storm and my flight had to be canceled. I am here now. Ready to start over one more time. On my own. Without anyone. I don't know where to go. Maybe back to boys house. I said I will stay there and wait for them. I'll go there.

It was only few minutes walk and I came quick. I took key under doormat. I unlocked door and got in. I left my things next to door. I inhalated cold air. Everything was sama as the day I left this place. I turned on heating system and went to my room.

I took my chlotes off and went to take shower. It seemed like hot water hugged my cold body. I really enjoyed in this. I took towel and put my hair in it. I took another and wrapped it around myself because I didn't took any chlotes. I came downstairs and opened my suitcase. I took red bra and panties and oversized T-shirt. I came to my room and went straight to bed.

Josh's P.O.V.

"Tell us something about yourself." Lady with red hair said. I was sitting in front of two ladies that were twins. One had red hair and one had black hair.

"Well, I'm Josh and I'm 17. I came here because I have to pay college." I said and they nodded.

"Why do you think we should hire you?" The one with black hair said.

"I am young and fast. I know I can do this job and you just have to give me chance." I said to her almost begging.

"We'll call you to make you know if you got job. If you don't mind, we have another boys and girls too." The one with red hair said like she want's to get rid of me.

"Fine. Goodbye." I said and went out from her office. I made it out on street and started to walk towards my house.

Like you heard, I am Josh and I am 17. I used to live in America but we moved. I live with my mum after she and my dad divorced. I have dark brown, almost black hair. And green eyes. I am just average teenage boy.

Thing from few moments ago should be my job. I am trying to live in my own, so I applied for job as waiter. If I don't get it, I'll have to look for another one. Right now I have to study History. I have good grades but stil...

Julia's P.O.V.

I was standing still and I think no one saw me. There was girl in hospital bed and doctor was standing in front of her.

"You have to take it, its good for you." He said to her and handed her blue pill.

"But I don't wanna." Girl cried and wanted to leave.

"You have to... It will make it better, I promise." Boy came to scene and hugged her.

"I don't wanna. I don't like this doctor." She whispered in his ear still sobbing.

"Babe, everything will be OK. Just take it." Boy said and handed it in her hand.

"I said I don't want to!" She yelled and threw it from her hand.

"You stupid girl! Either you take the pill or you die. Its your choice." Doctor said and went out. BOy followed him.

Girl now looked at me. Straight into my eyes. She didn't take her eyes off me. She started to cry again and putted her head in her hands. She cried hard and no one was there. I wanted to come closer to her, hug her and sy everything will be OK but I couldn't move. Suddenly everything was dark around me.

I woke up and looked on clock. It was 3 in the morning. I tried hard but I couldn't fall asleep again. What strange dream. Why would I dream something like that?

I went to kitchen and warmed some milk. I came to living room and turned on TV. On every channel was some horror movie. Ghosts, blood, vampires, killers etc. I was afraid of all those things. 3 in the morning, I can't sleep and I have nothing to do. Whole room went from dark to light and I heard loud bang! Oh yeah, and storm is coming. I wish I could call someone.

I came to my bag and took out my phone. I unlocked it. I had 32 missed calls and 10 mesages. They were all from Bryan. I deleted them and opened all numbers I had in my phone. There was lot of them, few that I forgot I have.

I came to one that was saved as Louis - BooBear :). I stopped on that one and tear skipped from my eye and fell on phone. I remembered boy that was my best friend once. I don't even know where they are now. My finger was faster than my mind and I pressed call. It rang.

"Hello?" I could hear happines in his voice and I froze.

"Hello? Is someone there?" He called again.

"Hi, Louis." My voice was shaky.

"Who is this? Wait, Julia?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah, its me. So, what's new?" I felt this is bit awkward.

"Umm, nothing. You?" He asked me.

"I just came back from Ireland and..." Someone cut me off.

"Louis, let's go. We'll be late." I heard someone saying in Irish accent.

"Sorry, I have to go. We have interview. We can talk later. Bye." He said and hung up.

"Yeah, we will..." I whispered.

Tears were falling down my cheeks and I was feeling broken. He sounded so happy and carefree. Same like the first day I met him. It was magical. I wish I could bring back that moment. I was mad at him for me bumping into him. And the day we almost kissed? It was perfect and worth of waiting.

And what about the day I was in hospital? When his eyes looked sad. And the moment he asked me to be his girlfriend and when he kissed me? That was perfect. It wasn't perfect place but it was perfect person. If that didn't happen, who know's if he would tell me all those things.

And the day we moved in together? I was happy as little kid that got new toy. And birthday party? Even know it was ruined by drunk me, it was perfect. He tried and did lot about it.

And the night I slept in his bed? He smelled so nice and did everything just to make me sleep. And then swimming pool and our battle? I loved the part when we fell in water. And I loved my payback.

I loved every kis, every hug, every word and everything I got from him. I loved him and I still do. And I miss him so much.

That was the thing I shouldn't say to myself. I was crushed. I was crying my little heart out. Why? Because of my stupid head. It was raining outside and it was raining inside. I can't handle with this. How could I be so stupid?

I got up and went to bathroom. I opened cabinet and searched for razor. I took it and cutted letter N in my left hand. Warm blood was all over my hand and floor. I didn't mind about anything but ending my suffering. It was black in front of my eyes and it felt like I am going to sleep.


Once again, I should be writing something serious and all I can think about is song on side. I'm one crazy kid.

So, tell me what you think. Read, comment, vote and share.

Bye :*

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