Chapter 7

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This chapter is dedicated to alykattz because she is last girl that commented on I wanna save you tonight.. Check her out if you can..

There might be some mistakes!

Julia's P.O.V.

I woke up feeling little bit sick. I touched my forehead. It was hot. I felt like I'm going to throw up every moment. And I did. I didn't look well. My eyes were red and I was so pale. I thought it will be better if I go and take a nap. And so I did.

~2 hours later~

I woke up again. I was feeling better this time. My forehead wasn't hot and I wasn't pale anymore. I was so much better. I did what I do every morning and after that I checked my phone. I had 2 messages. One from Josh and one from Louis.

From: Louis - BooBear :)

Don't be mad. I didn't mean to say it to him. You can be sure no one else will find out. Don't be mad. xxx

I just ignored his message and read Josh's.

From: Josh :)

I loved it last time. You think we should do it one more time? xx

I sent him back message that I would like it and got another one from him.

From: Josh :)

Great. Meet me in front of cinema in 20 minutes. xx

I went to my room and dressed skinny jeans and Niall's shirt. I took my purse and went in front of cinema. I had to wait for him but he came fast. 

"Hey. I thought we can watch Hunger Games." He said and showed me two tickets.

"Great." I said and went in.

I really like that movie, considering I haven't watched it yet but I wanted. Through whole movie I was thinking about things. Maybe Josh is here to be my friend. I know it wasn't accident that he bumped into me and we exchanged phone numbers. I don't believe in accidents. He is nice and all that but we can't be nothing more than friends.

I think I should tell him for my hand. He has all rights to know. And I think I shouldn't be mad at Louis and Harry. He didn't do it on purpose and I know Harry won't tell anyone. But me and Louis are friends. Friends don't give away each others secrets. I should still answer his message and tell him I'm not mad.

Movie ended and we got up. When I got up I felt so dizzy that I had to sit beck down. Suddenly, that feeling like I'm going to throw up was back.

"Are you okay?" Josh asked me holding my hand.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm just ill that's all." I said to him.

I managed to get up and we went on pizza this time. I started conversation about Niall.

"You remember that letter N on my hand?" I asked Josh. He just nodded his head because his mouth was full of pizza. He had some on his nose and cheeks.

"My ex is in big boyband named One Direction. We dated for few months and I broke up with him because he was going on world tour. I had break up boyfriend and I broke up with him because he cheated on me. When I realized its my fault for breaking up with Niall and that I still love him and miss him, I did this." I showed him my hand. " One of my friends found me. I almost bled to death."

"Oh, wow. Its so much to take in. I'm so sorry because of you and him." Josh said.

"And I forgot to add. He has moved on and has girlfriend that he always wanted." I said with my head down.

"Don't be sad. Its time for my story now." He said. I looked up to his eyes that were dark green now.

"This girl, Lucy, she was most popular girl in school and we were in relationship. We loved each other and you could really tell it. One day I found her kissing another boy in front of school. I asked her why and she said it was dare from her friend. To be in relationship with me for 3 months and act like she is in love. After that everything went down. My mum and dad divorced and I was forced to come here." He said still managing to smile.

"I'm sorry. Because of you and Lucy and your parents." I said.

"And what about your parents?" He asked me.

"My mum left me and my sister and my dad is dead. I am living on my own and my sister is living with grandma in Ireland." I said feeling my eyes were floating in tears.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"There is no need to be sorry. Its over now." I said.

"You want me to walk you home?" He asked me.

"If you want to." I said because I didn't want him to do it for regret.

"Okay then. Let's go." He said and we got up.

After getting up, I felt that dizzy moment again but I managed to stay on my feet. I really hope its just flu and that its nothing. On my way back I told him about my friends and he told me about his friends. They seemed like nice people. Or he told they are good just to make them better than they are. Never mind.

I even remembered to send message to Louis.

For: Louis - BooBear :)

Hey Boo. I'm not mad anymore. I wanna skype you later. Bring Harry too. xx

"Well, this is my house." I said.

"Wow, its big. And you live here all alone?" He asked me.

"In fact, no. This is boy's house and I'm staying here until they come back." I said to him.

"Okay. Bye then. See you some other time." He said and turned away.

"Josh." I called him. "Thank you for being such good friend. Any girl would like to have you for boyfriend." I said and hugged him.

"Thanks love." He said and hugged me back.

I stepped back. "See you soon." I said.

I was walking towards house and I felt that dizziness again. This time I couldn't stand on my feet and everything went black for me.

Only thing I remember is Josh's face jumping around me and saying something I can't understand. There came lady in white and she pushed him away. I got bit scared but I passed away again. This time it was until morning.


This was unexpected I think. Tell me what you think is wrong with her. Give me feedback. Bye :*

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