Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to RelentlessChaos because she has best fanfic I've ever read. Its called Broken and she has sequel to it called Finding You. Its very good, check it out if you can.

There might be some mistakes!

Julia's P.O.V.

I was slowly opening my eyes. Some light was hitting my eyes and made opening my eyes harder. It felt like I have stones on my eyes. Room was white and two persons were standing there. Man and woman.

"She'll be okay. We just need to wait for her to wake up. And give her another bag of blood." Man said. He had stethoscope around his neck, so he was doctor. And girl had to be nurse.

"Excuse me..." I called for help. My voice sounded rough and weak.

"You're in hospital hun. I am doctor Stevens." He said and came closer to me.

"What happened?" I asked even know I knew answer to that question.

"You cut your vein and ambulance brought you. You know, you lost so much blood. If that girl found you few minutes later, you could be dead." He said.

"Uhm, what girl?" I was confused.

"Girl about this high." He showed her height. "With straight black hair and green eyes. She was here few minutes ago." He said.

"Thanks. When can I go home?" I really wanted some time for myself.

"You can go tomorrow, when we see everything is OK and that you got enough blood." He said and went out.

Girl? I knew few girls that matched that description. I missed few pieces in this story. I didn't know what to do. I took my phone. Missed calls and none text message. I didn't care. I went on twitter. Nothing interesting until I went on homepage for last time.

Niall and Demi finally together. They look so cute. :)

Niall and Demi is trending. They are perfect. <3

And there were several more saying same. Oh, how I wish I didn't see that. I hate my 'happy' ending. Tears were falling down my cheeks. Its nice to see he moved on and I am still wishing it was me instead of Demi.

"Can I come in?" Girl voice asked after knock on my door.

"Come in." I said quickly wiping away my tears.

"Hi." I saw Eleanor in her black jeans and green jumper.

"Hi." I forced myself to show her something that looked like smile.

"How are you feeling?" She asked sitting in corner of my bed.

"I'm better than I was feeling few minutes ago." Lie. I was actually feeling much worse.

"I'm glad." She said. When I looked better, Eleanor looked like girl doctor told me about. She had straight black hair and her eyes were green. She was the piece that missed in my puzzle. She saved my life.

"Thank you. But how did you know?" I asked her and reached for water that was on right cupboard.

"Louis. You talked with him and he heard you were in bad condition. So, he called me to tell me that you came back and told me that you didn't sound good. I came to talk with you and I ended up finding you in bathroom on the floor." She said looking down.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that. I can't thank you enough." I said to her.

"You wanna talk about it?" She asked me forcing smile.

"Maybe later. But thank you." I knew she wanted to help but I couldn't talk about it. Not yet. Maybe tomorrow. Then something came on my mind.

"Wait, you didn't told Louis about this, didn't you?" She looked me with guilt in her eyes.

YOU Stole My Heart (sequel to I Wanna Save You Tonight)Where stories live. Discover now