Chapter 23

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There might be some mistakes!

Julia's P.O.V.

"You promise you'll be good?" Niall asked and sat on top of me.

"I promise." I said and crossed my heart.

"I still don't believe you." He said and started to tickle me.

"I...give up..." I barely said.

"Niall!" Someone yelled from downstairs. We could barely hear it but we heard.

"Shhh. Someone is coming." I said but Niall didn't believe me.

"Is someone in here?" I heard voice coming closer and closer to Niall's room.

Door suddenly opened and instantly closed. "Is it safe to come in? Does everyone have their clothes on?" We heard from hallway.

"No, its not! We're naked." Niall joked and almost fell of bed laughing.

"You idiot." I pushed him off me and opened door.

"He's an idiot and I'm Julia." I said and gave him my hand.

"Greg." He said and checked me out. After that he shook my hand.

"So you are the famous Greg. Unlike everything else, Niall haven't told me anything about you."

"Hey! I told you he has girlfriend." Niall came next to me and put his hand around my back.

"You two are little bit weird to me. Did you drink anything?" Greg examined us and put on a weak smile.

"You would expect that we did, but we didn't." Niall said.

*in the evening* 

I was nervous and I couldn't button up my dress. Everything seemed to be perfect. My hair and make up were perfectly done. But I couldn't do this. I was scared and nervous. All those feelings were mixed in my stomach. I called Niall.

"Niall. Can you come in here?" I called out hoping he'll come fast.

"Where's the fire babe?" He came closer to me and put his hand on my waist.

"I can't button up my dress. Can you do it for me?" I asked him and turned my back to him.

He did what I asked. "Are you going to be done soon?"

"Just let me take my bag and I'm out." I told him and he went out.

I took my bag and shoved my phone in. I took coat and putted it on. After that all, I came down. Greg, Niall and I went to car. Greg was driving, and Niall and I were in the back. I was plying with my hands to try and let out that nervous feeling. All those feeling were getting the best out of me.

Niall took my hand and came closer to me. "Don't worry. I'm here and I will never let you go."

After car stopped, we went in restaurant. I could already feel their eyes burning on my back. We came to the table and Niall introduced us.

"Mum, dad; Julia Crown. Julia, Bobby and Maura Horan." He moved his hand as he was introducing us all.

I couldn't say anything, so I just gave them a smile. His mum returned it and dad didn't. I can see me and his dad will have great time together.

"Good evening, I am your waiter for this evening. What can I get you?" Waitress was nice until she laid her eyes on Niall. She instantly became rude to me. We all ordered and there was dead silence.

"So, Julia..." His mum started. "Where are you working?"

"Uhh.. I'm working at Nandos." I said bit insecure.

"Oh, I can already see how you and Niall met." She laughed and I gave her confirmation smile.

"Do you and Niall live together?" His dad asked.

"Well, I have apartment of my own, but we are thinking about it." I said and faced Niall's confused face.

His dad leaned closer to him and started to whisper. He was looking at me and I was sure he was making me hear it.

"I liked better how you and that girl, Demi sounded. This one looks confused and kind of stupid." I could see Niall's eyes growing wide as he started to defend me.

"Here's your wine miss." Waiter came closer to me and spilled it all over my dress.

I got up feeling my eyes getting watery. My beautiful blue dress was soaking wet and it wasn't even blue anymore. I had to get out of there. I ran out leaving all my stuff in there. I went little further and sat on small bench that was there. I cried so hard like never before. I just wanted them to like me.

"Julia! Julia..." I heard Niall calling me and coming behind me. "Are you okay?"

"How could I be okay? They all hate me. Your dad plus that slutty waitress. I just wanted them to like me and now there's question in my head. What if you get bored of me?" I cried out to him.

"No one will ever make me get bored of you because I love you. You are my everything." He told me and hugged me. "Let's walk home."

He gave me my things and we started to walk. It ws like from movies. Slow walk on the moon with my boyfriend hugging me. I knew something has to interrupt. My phone started to ring. I picked it right up.

"Hello?" I said.

"Julia, its Zoe. Can I come and visit you in hospital?" She asked me. I could hear she was crying.

"I'm in Ireland with Niall. But I can come home tomorrow if you want. What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I would like you to come. I can't tell you over phone." She started to cry again.

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Yes. See you tomorrow." 

"What is it?" Niall looked at me with worried face.

"Zoe. She sounded more horrible than ever." I told him and we continued walking.


I'm so sorry I didn't upload in long time. I couldn't, I know its holidays but story is coming to its end and I don't have so much inspiration. I hope you still like it.. Comment and vote. Love you all :*

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