Chapter 20

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There might be some mistakes!

Lena's P.O.V.

The school was over and I was finally ready to go and visit my friend. I don't know what was happening and I didn't get any calls or messages from any of them. I started to worry. I sat down on bench and waited for Zoe.

"Look who showed up." I said when I saw her.

"I'm sorry that test we had today killed me. I can't believe how hard it was." She said and sat down.

"Don't you worry about Julia?" I fired out.

"Of course I worry. Aren't we supposed to head there?" She asked and got up.

"I think we are. I just think someone should called or texted us to know what's happening." I said and we went silent for rest of walk.

I was worried so much. What if something happened? What if she's not good? I don't even want to think of the worst. All feelings that could come on my mind showed up. I couldn't wait to come there. 

When I saw hospital it was kinda sight of release. We were both scared and you could read it on our faces. We went in and stopped the first nurse.

"Do you know where Julia Crown is?" Zoe asked.

"Uhhh, I think she's in operation room. They are preforming surgery. Her friends are here too." She told us. I couldn't believe what I'm hearing. Why didn't they called me? They'll hear me when I come there.

"Where are they?" Zoe asked again. 

"Second floor. Go left and until the end." Nurse said and went.

As we were waiting for elevator I had mixed feelings of anger and fear. I couldn't wait to see Julia and I was afraid for her. I knew every surgery was a risk for her. I really believed that she will be good and that she can handle it, but it was hard sometimes. Saying her something that even I don't believe in. And now I believe. I have to. There is no other option or opinion.

People started moving and door opened. I saw long hallway and I was more and more afraid. We started running and we saw boys. They were all doing something. I could see Niall going up and down. We ran to them and they all hugged us.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"They are inside for hour and half now. I am starting to get more and more worried. What if something's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm sure everything is okay." Liam said.

"Why didn't anyone tell us they are preforming surgery on her?" I half yelled.

"We didn't want you to get upset in school." Harry said.

Niall's P.O.V.

 At first it was like, I don't care. She will be okay. But now she is in there for long time and I am starting to worry. I just can't show that. I'm a boy and we don't show things like that. 

In the middle of my thoughts, doctors and nurse came out. They were driving her body and she seemed to sleep. They drove her to her room and doctor came to talk to us. We were all on our feet and just waited for any word that doctor would tell us.

"How is she?" I asked him. Some nervous feeling started to go through my body. I got those nervous shivers.

"She is good. She will wake up in half hour or less. She made it and she is real fighter. If she keeps up like this she will be one of those that survived this." He said and went to his office or where he had to go.

Nurse came out of her room and looked at us. I believe she could read that tension betwen us. "You could go in if you want." She said and went away.

I haven't waited and I went in. She was there and looked like she wasn't even alive. But I knew she was. She looked so good and nice while she was asleep. She was calm. I loved her so much and I couldn't take it if she left me alone. 

She started to move and I saw her perfect blue eyes.

Julia's P.O.V.

Everything was black and then was fast transfer and I saw my friends. They were standing around my bed and I could see every single one of them expect Danielle and Eleanor. Niall was on my right side and he was holding my hand. Zoe and Lena finally showed up and they were both on my left side.

"She's awake!" Lena squalled and hugged me. When she let me go, Zoe was next.

 "I'm awake but that doesn't mean that you have to put me back to sleep." I said and realized I can't move my legs.

"Everything okay babe?" Niall asked me.

"Yeah, I just can't move my legs but that's okay. It happened last time too." I said.

We spent whole time talking and remembering old moments. But Zoe kinda looked little away. I didn't notice it at first but then I started to worry. She didn't want to talk about it and she promised she'll tell me some other time.


You can't believe how sorry I am for not uploading this part last time. I just didn't have time and I don't know how. Right now I am sorry because this part is short. I just don't have inspiration and you can see on right side what I'm watching. I hope you can forgive me and stay good like always.

I love you and please don't stop reading this story. Vote and comment. :*

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