Chapter 19

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I dedicate this to all you because you are awesome, you wait long time for updates and you still haven't stopped reading this story. Just stay beautiful and all those things. I love you.

There might be some mistakes!

Julia's P.O.V.

"No, leave me alone!" I yelled and tried to run away as far as I could. But he would somehow always be faster than me.

"You'll be mine forever. There is no one to save you." Brian said and pulled me in thigh hug.

"Why are you doing this? Can't you just accept I'm happy without you!" I tried to escape. It wasn't worth it. I couldn't do anything. Not a single move.

He started to lean in. I could feel his hand on the back of my head. He is not going to do this. Its grose. No! No! I couldn't even talk anymore.

"Babe, wake up." I heard voice and someone was shaking me.

I instantly opened my eyes and shut them close. Light was little too much. I opened them slowly and saw Niall with his face all worried.

"What's wrong? You yelled in your dream." He asked.

"I dreamt Brian. He was holding me tight and I couldn't move a muscle. No matter how much I yelled, no one was there and no one seemed to come. Not even you." I said.

"That's not true. I am always going to be there for you. Always and forever." He said and kissed me.

"I know but what if he comes back? I'm just so worried." I said.

"I'll be there to protect you if he comes back. I'll be Superman and you'll be Lois." He said and hugged me.

*after 3 months*

It was time to get back. I didn't want to but it had to be like that. I had forgotten that I'm sick. They were all so nice and kind and they took care that I am happy. And they all looked happy. They tried to make me forget about everything. Especially Niall. He was so sweet and kind. I love him and I could never handle him getting away from me ever again.

"My heart could not take it." I said to myself and caught my heart in theatrical way.

I heard loud laugh from the door and saw Liam. He was so sweet while he was laughing. I could never resist to laugh with him or Niall or any of boys. It was something that we could do forever. Laugh at each other.

"What are you doing here? No one asked you to come." I said and continued laughing.

"Well, I don't know. But I am glad that I came to watch your little show. You're hilarious." He said.

"Thank you. You have my permission to stay." I said and sat on bed with Liam sitting by my side.

"You remember that time when you came to live with me? You were all scared and confused. It was kinda awkward to be in same room with you and Niall. Everyone could see what is happening but you and him weren't doing anything about it." That were good old times.

"It wasn't. We were perfectly fine and that just happened. It wasn't something you could predict." I got up and continued packing.

"Don't you lie to me. I know ever feeling Niall had and every feeling you had. You were like two shy puppies." He said and started to poke me.

"I don't want to talk to you if you don't stop teasing me." I said and pretended to be angry on him.

"Sorry. I have to." He said and made sad face.

It all felt like going fast. Me packing my things, talking to Liam, Niall and rest of boys coming and going back to hospital. I was feeling insecure and lost while Louis was driving us all to hospital. It wasn't that I was afraid but I was and.... ugh. I just don't know how to describe that. I was sad. I needed my friends but Lena and Zoe weren't there. They were in school and they couldn't come. But they promised they'll come as soon as they find time.

Same old cold feeling found its way to my heart. I remembered everything I went through in that same hospital. Shivers ran through my whole body. I saw hospital. It was at same old place but I hoped that it wasn't. I took Niall's hand and he could tell that I was afraid. I have appointment with doctor as soon as I get room. I kinda got afraid because it too.

"We're here." Louis' cheerful voice rang through car. He was trying to cheer us up but it just wasn't possible.

I pushed through car and grabbed my suitcase. It wasn't so full and I tried to escape from them.

"Julia, wait! Wait for us." Niall yelled and ran to me. "What is wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. I'm okay." I said and continued going.

"I know when something's wrong and this is one of those times." Niall said.

"I'm afraid and I am not liking that feeling. I miss my girls and I'm afraid what will doctor say. Don't you know that Sherlock?" I pushed suitcase to my body.

"Okay. Sorry." He said and went walking behind me with boys.

I don't know why I did that but I know he understands. I went into the hospital and straight to the nurse. I could see boys still haven't entered.

"Julia Crown." I said and nurse started searching.

"Follow me, doctor Stevens is expecting you." She said and first led me to room. I had to dress that paper dress. He did all those things he had to do and I had to go to that tube again. After he was done, he wasn't looking so good.

"I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want first?" He asked room full of people.

"I would like bad news first." I said and prepared for the worst. Death.

"You have to go to surgery right now without waiting." He said. "But good thing is that you have big chances to survive. I'll leave you to prepare."

I could see nervous looks in all boys eyes. It wasn't like they didn't care but Niall cared the most. He came closer to me and sat on edge of my bed.

"You will not die. Don't listen to those stupid doctors. I love you." He said and I could see tears in his eyes.

"I love you too." I said and kissed him.

Nurse came and they had to drive me away. They were going next to my bed until I was in operation room. It was full of doctors. I was afraid and I tried to calm myself but it just couldn't go. I wanted to be carefree like my boy out there but I couldn't.

"Okay hun. Now breathe deeply." One of nurses said and gave me mask to breathe. I saw Niall and I fooling around and everything went black.


Okay so I finally talked over this with myself. Uploads will be every Friday or Saturday. That will be with this story, next one and like that. Gosh, I can't wait for Christmas breaks. I am so proud of my boys and TMH. Its so great. I love every single one of songs. How about you? Comment and vote. I love you all. :*

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