Chapter 17

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Liam's P.O.V.

I took a look over living room. Zayn and Harry were God knows where. Louis and Niall are here playing video games. I had replayed conversation for several times in my head. Yes, I saw why Julia went out from club. I saw what Niall did. I am about to give him lesson for that. I'm just being protective about my friend.

"Niall can I talk to you?" I said.

"I'm listening." He said not taking his eyes of TV.

"Private talk." I said and headed towards place where used to be Julia's room.

"Ugh." He let out sign of boredom and followed me.

"I saw what you did to Julia in club." I said while he was closing door.

"What did I do now?" He said with his cute innocent voice.

"You started touching her and she didn't like it. And you did it again and that caused you to destroy her evening." I said.

"Really? Huh, why didn't she say anything?" He asked surprised.

"Why would she? You think she would feel comfortable to tell it to you? I think not." I said.

"Okay, you gave me a lesson. I'll apologise. Something more?" He asked.

"Yep. Keep her because I can see she still loves you. Keep her before someone else steals her from you." I said and went out.

Julia's P.O.V.

I was watching TV, when I heard someone is ringing to my door. I didn't have any of my friends to come over here, so I got little bit scared. I didn't have anything to check who it was , so I was forced to open the door. As I opened them, I saw two police officers. Male and female. That got me pretty scared too but I knew why were they here.

"Julia Crown?" Male officer asked.

"Yes." I said.

"I am officer Jacks and this is officer Lake. We're here for statement of thing that happened 4 weeks ago. Can we come in?" He said.

"Yeah, sure." I said and let them in. They sat down and I sat next to them.

"We'll have to ask you few questions about Bryan Cougars." Officer Lake said.

I nodded in agreement and they took out their little notebooks. I felt like I am on CSI. It was so unreal and I just hoped it was dream.

"On which way are you and Mr. Cougars connected?" He saounded strict and I could see that in his eyes.

"We were boyfriend and girlfriend." I answered.

"Did he have any motive to do that to you?" She asked. Her voice was soft and nice but her eyes were same as his. Cold and lifeless.

"He was kinda violent. He would drink and hit me. I found out he cheated on me and I left him." I said.

"Can you describe us what happened night he was take to police office?" She was one asking.

"I was in hospital due to my illness. Nurse said I have visit and she let him in. He was visibly drunk and started to call me names. He took out knife and I tried to escape but he didn't let me. He would suficate me if there wasn't my friend." I said and sighed.

Josh. Boy that saved me several times. He was my everything when I was feeling like nothing. And I didn't even give him a chance. I would like to take time back and look at him like he looked at me.

"I think that would be it. You have to come to court on Monday to testify. Thank you and have good afternoon." He said and they started leaving.

"Bye." I said and waved. Why did I do that?

I closed door and sat back on the couch. I tried to sleep a little bit but it wasn't possible. Someone else knocked on my door. I got up and opened them again. I was surprised to see him. It was Niall. He looked like he ran here. I wasn't surprised about that because of fans.

"Hi babe. Can I come in?" He asked holding onto the side of door.

"Sure." I said and opened door enough for him to come in.

"You want something to drink?" I asked him and went to kitchen. 

"Water." He said and it sounded bit ridiculous to me. I came back with two glasses of water.

"Here you go. I see fans haven't changed a bit." I said and laughed.

"Yeah, gotta love them." He said and drank little bit from glass.

"You came to talk about something special or just talk stupidities?" I asked him and laughed so it won't sound like I am chasing him away.

"Yep. I came to tell I'm sorry for the thing that happened in club other day. I'm sorry, guess I drank little too much." He said.

"Its okay." I said.

We weren't bored after this. We talked about everything and it lasted for hours. We could just go on and on if he didn't have to go. I could see in his eyes that he is watching me on different way and that I am not friend in his head. Truth was, he wasn't just a friend in my head either.


Hah. Here comes best part. Watch out for chapter 18 because it will be special one and you are going to love it same as I will love to write it. Love ya all.. :*

P.S. - Anyone heard Little Things? I am loving it.. When I first played it I cried for so long. Its so special and perfect.. What do you think?

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