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There might be some mistakes!

Its been 3 months now and I was spending day in bed. I sometimes went to fridge and ate but I didn't do anything. I stared at the wall and thought what have I done. I decided it was over with crying and regretting over things I've done. I picked up my bags and went to Ireland. My grandma wouldn't let me stay in her house, so I went to Bryan's. He was there for me. He listened me when I cried and talked to him and tried to solve my problem. He would hold me in his arms until I stopped crying. But pain was still there. I loved Niall James Horan and no one could erase that. But I couldn't say that out loud. I am afraid it could hurt too much. 

Step by step, I started to like him. And he started to like me too. One pulled another and we were boyfriend and girlfriend. He managed to stay good but he became bad when he was drunk. He gets all crazy and it ends with him hitting me. But I can't let him go. He support me and gives me hope. He is singer but he doesn't travel.

I started to go to school there. I didn't want to have anything with London for some time. Strange thing is that Zoe and Lena are supporting me. They are best friend in the world.

I am in Bryan's house now. Getting read for date. I try and be nice for him. On some strange way I miss all the attention I got from paparazzi. But now I have normal life and I don't see titles and fans calling me bitch or something like that.

I came out from bathroom and stand in front of mirror that was showing my whole body. I was wearing tight black dress that was reaching my knees. My heels were black too. My hair was tied in ponytail. I didn't have much make up. Just little bit mascara and red lipstick. I sat down on bed. Bryan wasn't ready yet. If he was, he would be in my room. I took my phone and found Niall's number in it. I pressed call. It ranged till the end.

"User you called doesn't exist." Lady said and I hung up. I deleted number and shoved phone in my bag. If he picked up phone, I would freeze. I would hung up. Its better this way. I don't need him in my life anymore.

"You ready babe?" Bryan said and peeked behind door.

"Yes, I am." I got up, took my bag and went out. I got in car. We always went to fancy restaurants and I guess we are going to one now. I was right. We came in and waiter gave us table. We had lobster and drank one bottle of vine.

"Wanna go home?" He asked me.

"Yes." I said to him. He paid and we went home.

We sat on couch and he turned on TV. Friends with benefits were on. He came closer and kissed me. One and another, his and mine shirt was off. We kissed slowly and he brought me to his room. He was nice and careful. I let myself to moment and it was perfect for first time.

~next morning~

I woke up early in the morning. I went to bathroom. I can't believe I did that. I should enjoy it but it didn't feel right. I don't know why. I started to cry. Another I don't know why. I needed time for myself. I will have to break up with Bryan and fly back home. I just need to find right time.

I whipped away my tears and went to kitchen. I took cup of coffee. Its new day, what could possibly go wrong?


Its short but good. Hope you like it..

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Bye :*

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