Chapter 25

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There might be some mistakes!

Julia's P.O.V.

"Here we are babe." Niall said looking me sad in the eyes.

"Thank you for being here with me. I know you find it like a duty, but I don't want you to think that I am making you to go with me." I said looking him in the eyes. I turned to open my door when his hand stopped me.

"Julia, I love you and I want to be here with you and give you support. I will never look at this like you are making me." He said and started to pick on his pocket. "I wanted to do this yesterday, but you wouldn't let me. It would be simple like you like it. We would go to picnic and we would watch stars. And then I give you surprise." He said taking out small dark blue box.

"Julia Crown, I adored you since the first time I ever saw you. You are something most beautiful that has ever happened to me. You are holding my heart and I think you won't let it go, so I'm asking you this: Will you be my wife?" Niall spoke and opened box to reveal most beautiful diamond ring in the world. It had a small stone which was just shining.

I instantly felt my heart hitting in my chest like its going to jump out every second. Butterflies in my stomach were going crazy. But I felt something hitting in my head too, warning me something was wrong. It just grew bigger and bigger until my eyes couldn't see anything, but dark.

Niall's P.O.V.

"Will you be my wife?" I asked opening small box to reveal her the ring.

My heart was beating like crazy and I just couldn't contain the biggest smile that appeared on my lips. I was waiting for few seconds when I saw something was wrong.

At first, Julia was smiling and she had happiness in her eyes. Now she turned white, white as ghost. Her lips were white and she looked like that until she passed out. Her head fell down on her seat and she wasn't reacting on me calling her name.

I instantly ran to her side and opened car door. I took her bridal style and ran to the hospital as fast as I could. When I came inside, a group of doctors ran to me and they took her away. Only one who was left with me was nurse whose duty was to question me about everything.

"I'm sorry, sir. I know you care about that girl, but you have to tell me what happened?" She questioned trying to get my attention.

"I'm not so sure myself. We were sitting in the car and we were talking. I asked her to marry me and she just passed out. She actually is your patient here. Julia Crown, she was supposed to return today because she had one more operation left." I said her everything I knew and I made sure to include everything that was important.

"Thank you. She is currently with our best doctor's and they are try to do everything they can. I'll be bringing you more news later." She said giving me assuring smile and leaving.

She just left me and I looked after her. I didn't know if the reason she passed out was just stupid and silly or it was something bigger and something that was meant to happen even if I didn't ask her to marry me. I was feeling so guilty even if I knew that if she was here she would say that it wasn't my fault that it was that stupid thing in her blood. Whatever it was, I had to call someone. I hated to be alone. I decided to call first contact that came in my mind. Strangely, it was Louis.

It didn't take him long when I said that Julia's illness got worse. He cared about her because him and she were really close. He instantly came marching to me with somehow hurt look on his face. Behind him, peeked Eleanor.

"I'm so sorry if I ruined something, I didn't intend to. I just couldn't be alone here." I said giving them both apologetic look.

Before Louis even opened his mouth to speak, Eleanor spoke. "Its okay, we don't want you to be alone."

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