Chapter 16

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There might be some mistakes!

Julia's P.O.V.

This was the first time we all agreed about something. And it was something that I wished. Night out and everything is allowed. I mean drinking and things we agree about. Louis, Niall, Zayn, Harry, Liam, Eleanor, Danielle, Zoe, Lena and I.

I was so excited about this and I don't even know why. Maybe it was just because I wasn't out in some club for long time. And maybe its because I wasn't for long time with friends. I am overthinking this. I should let it go on its own.

Closet was opened and I should pick my clothes. I had one dress I could never go wrong with. (A/N: Look at picture on the side.) I wore it and combined it with simple black dress. As I headed to my make-up I heard doorbell. I stabbed myself in eye with mascara and gave up on doing eyeliner too.

I heard doorbell again and I came downstairs.

"I'm coming." I yelled. I could see two female shadows outside. After I opened I saw Zoe and Danielle.

"Hi." I said and hugged them. "Who are we waiting?"

"Louis and Eleanor. As you know all of us can't fit in one car." Danielle joked.

"I see you had little accident with your eye over there." Zoe said and smiled.

I touched my eye. "Yep."

I heard doorbell another time and I could say it was enough for this evening. The didn't want to come in and we went straight to club. Rest of them were already there and we could start.

At first I didn't feel comfortable but after few drinks it was better. I was dancing with lots of boys and I didn't know some of them. It was one crazy night and I liked it. I was dancing with Niall. He was behind me and I could smell he drank lot.

He was touching me but it was on my waist. But then it came little more up and up and after that to my boobs.

"Stop it." I said and put his hands on my waist.

"Okay." He said and I could feel he smiled.

But his hands found way to my boobs again.

"I told you to stop. Are you deaf?" I half yelled and went out.

I searched for something I could sit on but there was nothing. I went behind the tree and sat down. I could see stars and how beautiful they are. I felt something on my cheek. It was tear. I forgot that I know to get over emotional when I drink. Next what I knew was that I was crying a river.

"Julia? Are you alright?" I heard one of boys voices.

"Yeah, I'm great." I said. It was one of those moments where you feel asdfghjkl and you don't know what to do.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. I could see it was Liam.

"It was hot in there so I came out to get some air. Then I saw you." He said and sat next to me. "And what are you doing here?"

"Same." I lied.

"Look, its been long time and I don't know what happened with you. I was wondering, would you like to come over just to talk?" Liam asked me.

"Well, I can. What about the boys?" I asked him.

"They are going to golf court. Apparently, Zayn and Louis want to learn how to play." He said and smiled.

"Okay then." I said and smiled too. Tears were gone and I could go back in. But this time not alone, I was going in with Liam. I saw all the people I came here with but I wasn't so sure I want to be here anymore.

"You know what, I'm tired. I think I'll go home." I said and headed back out.

"I'll drive you." He said.

"You don't have to."

"But I wanna. I don't want you to get hurt or something. Wait here, I just have to tell Dani." He said and headed towards her.

I headed towards car because I am such stubborn kid. I went in and Liam was quickly back. I could feel myself falling asleep. I just couldn't stay awake.

*next morning*

 I woke up in my apartment. I somehow thought that Liam would stay with me but he didn't. I did what I do every morning and while I was having breakfast, I got message.

From: Liam :)

Boys are gone. Waiting for you. Please hurry. I hate to be alone. xx

For: Liam :)

I'm almost there. xx

I texted him and found some clothes to wear. It wasn't so long walk to their flat. I knocked and went in like it was my own house.

"Hello?" I called for answer.

"In the kitchen." Liam answered and I went in there.

"Hi." I said and sat down on chair.

"Should I get right to the point or not?" He asked with smile and putted mug with coffee in front of me.

"Right to the point." I said and returned smile.

"I have few questions. I would like if you say truth." He said and I nodded.

"Why did you and Niall broke up at first?" He made confused face.

"Haven't he told you? He asked me to go on tour with you guys. I couldn't because school was holding me here. I was afraid one day he'll call me and tell me he is breaking up with me. No explanation, no nothing. But it was my fault genuinely." I said and looked down.

"He was crushed, you know. He would somehow find way to connect everything with you. But he never wanted to talk about you." He said. "How were you dealing with it?"

"I couldn't stay here, so I went to my grandma's. I had boyfriend, Brian. At first, he was good to me. But then he changed. He would get drunk and sometimes hit me. I found out he is cheating on me and I came back. I realized I miss Niall and I did this." I showed him my hand. "Josh came into my life and I found out I have same thing as my dad. And you know the rest."

"Whoa, that's lot to take in. Louis told us something but not everything. I'm so glad you are safe now. I have one more question: Do you still like Niall?" He said.

"I don't know. My feelings are so messed up but probably yes. Don't tell him this, okay? I don't need him to know this."

"I promise." He said.

We spent rest of time watching cartoons and making fun of each other. I had great time and I was happy Liam didn't change a bit. He was same beautiful and carefree creature. He made my day better and I was thankful for that.


1. You won't believe but this is first time in week and half that I have chance to upload.

2. I am so sorry for not uploading and telling I will upload more often.

3. I opened shared account and I will love you if you fanned it. Its LouisCryFace0.

4. Thank you for being so patient and I love you all.

5. Comment, fan, vote.. 

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