Chapter 24

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Dedicated to bedroomeyes because she has the greatest Doctor Who fanfic I've ever read. And sequel to it. And sequel to sequel. Anyway, if you're fan of DW go check her out.

There might be some mistakes!

Julia's P.O.V.

"But you can't go." Niall whined.

"I have to. She's my friend and she's been there for me. Its nice of me to be there for her. Plus, I'm her best friend." I said and he rolled his eyes. "Its same like with you and Liam."

"Yeah, yeah." He said and we sat in car.

It wasn't long way for us to come to airport, but I could feel Niall strongly wanted me to stay. And I couldn't. I had to help Zoe, whatever the trouble was. I couldn't know why he didn't want me to go, but surely he can live one day without me.

"If you have to go..." He said and sighed. "Be good and help her. I'll be there tomorrow to get you back to hospital."

"You be good too. Don't let your dad annoy you. Go out, have fun." I gave him approval smile and we kissed. It was kiss that would make out through whole day without kissing him.

"I love you." He mouted as I was leaving.

"I love you too." I mouthed before passing through security check.

~after three hours~

I came out of bus. God, I missed them. I walked for little bit and knocked on the door. Zoe opened them.

I was almost shocked. She never looked that bad. She was in over-sized clothes, her eyes were red and her hair was all messy and sticking around. She was always the one that cared about herself. She looked perfect and she always had to have everything in place.

 I didn't say a thing. I just threw my bag on the floor and huged her tightly. She instantly started sobbing in my shoulder. After we let go, she led me into the living room.

"What's wrong?" I asked her ignoring the thing that she didn't look at me.

"Its me and Zayn. He cheated in the worst way possible." She said and started to tell me how it was.

Zoe's P.O.V.


I was getting ready for that special night. Me and Zayn weren't out or even together for such a long time. I missed him and I was so surprised when he called me to go out. I was super excited. Almost like the first time I was going out with him.

I dressed beautiful, long red dress and matching high heels. I put my hear in perfect bun and moved on to make up. My eyes stood up because slightly winged eyeliner and mascara. Little bit of that played my thick lashes. I put on red lipstick and packed my purse. There was car waiting for me outside.

It drove me to the beautiful, but fancy restaurant. I got in and looked at all those fancy dressed people who were laughing and having fun. I looked at ceiling. There was beautiful crystal chandelier. I looked at the waiter moving around tables. They wore most expensive suits and looked so nice. I haven't seen anything like this in my whole life. Well, except in movies.

"Excuse me, miss?" Men behind a tall table asked me. "What's your name?"

"Oh, sorry." I said and giggled. "Try Malik."

He checked it in and waved at another man. "This man will lead you to your table. Have fun."

"Here you go, miss." He said and moved my chair from table as we came to it.

"Thank you." I said and made myself comfortable on chair.

"Do you want me to bring you anything?" He asked.

"No, I'll wait for my boyfriend." I said and gave him a smile. He nodded and went away.

I checked at the time on my phone. It was 9:15 pm. He should already be here. We agreed to come around 9. I really hope something didn't happen to him. I looked at the entrance. Many people were coming and same amount of people was going away. There were people that just came to make reservation.

~somewhere around 10:15 pm~

I was more worried than ever before. I took my phone out and dialed Zayn's number.

"You can't reach this number. This person's phone is either busy or turned off..." I listened that lady say and I ended call.

I'm so worried about you. Please, call me back.  - Zoe

~around 11:15 pm~

"I'm sorry, miss, but we have to close." Some lady said behind me.

"I'll get out." I said. I took my purse and my stuff and went out of restaurant.

My eyes got watery as soon as I entered the taxi. I was scared and disappointed in the same time. I couldn't even properly talk. The driver left me in front of my house and I went in. I didn't bother to turn on light. I turned on my computer. Maybe the fans knew something about him.

I opened twitter. My whole mentions were filled with messages like this: "I'm so glad that he kissed her. You are just stupid and they deserve to be together." And there was picture attached to the message. I opened it and burst out crying. He kissed his ex, Perrie, in front of what seemed thousands of fans and paparazzi.

~end of flashback~

 "And then I called you. I haven't slept whole night because I was thinking why. Its silly thing, isn't it? One moment you're happy and another everything crashes." I said and took fourth tissue in two minutes.

"I don't know what to say. Usually, I have all the right words, but I just can't believe this." She said and hugged me again.

"He was here in the morning. I didn't have strenght to answer it." I said and my phone started ringing. 

Julia tried to get it. "Don't. Its him." I said and turned my head away. She took it anyway and checked something. I didn't care what.

"I have to get to hospital tomorrow, but I want to see you there every day. I'll help you get through this." She said and I felt loved by her.


I know this chapter sucks, but I'm just about to end this story and I haven't got any good ides. I hope you still enjoyed it. I love you.. :) 

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