26 | Teach Me to Be Free

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Katrina and I have been talking for hours about her life before the castle. She gradually opened to me and before I knew it we were laughing and talking to each other. I guess it just goes to show, don't judge a book by its cover.

"... Juan and I used to run in the woods. One time we were in the mountains nearby when we saw a mountain goat. We both were hungry and wanted something to eat since we were on our own and our parents were killed," she said naturally, like she had no emotions toward what happened to her parents.

"So we slowly crept up to the goat when we were about to trap it, that's when I heard the loud cracking of bones. I looked across to see Juan's bones moving around in his body as he lets out loud screams of agony."

"Was your experience the same? It sounds so painful."

"It is as painful as it sounds."

"As the cracking intensified, I looked in horror as his clothes burst off his body like a water balloon that was filled with an excessive amount of water. His smooth pale skin was slowly being replaced with grey and white fur. His teeth now turned sharp and pointed, wolflike. He was aware of what was happening but was still disoriented. He turned to me and said, 'How do I look?' And I howled with laughter." she tells me laughing as if recalling the memory.

She stops abruptly, coming off from the windowsill. Standing straight with her hands behind her back, it was Sebastian bracing the wall beside the open door with his feet crossed at his ankles. Both Katrina and I didn't even notice his presence until just now.

"Your highness?," Katrina says curtsying I following suit when she gives me a side eye.

"Abigail, may I have a word with you?"

Suddenly I felt uneasy, my mind a rollercoaster of thoughts. Questioning his unannounced visit to my room and to top it off he was dressed casual unlike his usual formal look. He has changed into a low cut shirt that exposed his firm inked chest. I wondered how it was possible for a royal to have tattoos? I was going to ask him this. His hair dark hair messy, unlike his gelled hair he had when I visited him in his office. To top it off, he had on a tight jeans that printed everything he had going on below and it heightened my curiosity as I'd never seen anything like that.

I swallowed hard.

Pun intended.

As my eyes travelled from his legs back to his face.

His expression changed into a sly smirk like the first time he saw myself and Naomi checking him out. Without a word he walks out the door obviously expecting me to follow behind him. When I closed the door, I turned to him. For the first time I wasn't scared of him strangely.

I felt so powerless at the same time has he towered over me as he stares into my eyes searching for something. He breaks the silence.

"About earlier, I had a series of meeting today and I wanna apologise," he says attempting to apologise letting a huge sigh as he ramfulled his hair.

I observed him as he was uneasy as he apologised and was waiting for a response. I could tell he hated apologising. So I accepted his apology.

"It's. It's okay wanna talk about it?" I asked, making the mistake to rest my hands on his shoulders in an attempt to comfort him. I quickly moved my hands as I felt a strong volt of electricity was sent through my body. I looked at him my face puzzled looking for a similar reaction.

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