18| It can't be

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We exited the sixth store with our hands barely able to hold the bags. Resting the bags in the back of the Range Rover behind us. I rushed back to the Limo as Naomi and Victoria entered another store. I watched at each body, looking to spot any loopholes I can use to escape. But all men were on high alert. I was about to enter the Limo to wait on the others when a drunk man came staggering towards me, but the guards didn't seem to see him as a treat. He took a swing at his liquor before pelting the bottle at me, hitting me at the side of my head.

The pain in my head has an unpleasant warmth to it as it slowly nips at my head. I raised my hands to my head as shocking pain flows through my body, all rushing to my head. Feeling liquid on my hand I slowly lowered my shaking hands looking in disbelief at blood, my blood that stained my hands. Everything began moving in slow motion as a sickness crawled within me as I tried to stay balanced. I looked at my right to see the man smiling at me as the guards scuffled with him.

Two other guards rushed to my aid.

"You're going to be alright," the guard says, taking his handkerchief and holding it to my head, before placing me in the limo. As the other talks on the walkie talkie.

"Bring the queen and her guest to the vehicles immediately, we need to head back NOW!"

I was in and out of consciousness, my eyes opening and closing, my breathing becoming shallow.


I woke up with my eyes heavy and a headache like needles. I looked around to see I was in the bedroom I shared with Naomi, but no one was in sight.

"Naomi?" I called, but no answer.


Another shock of pain came travelling through my head. I walked to the mirror to look at my reflection, looking at my bloody top and hands. I instantly staggered back.

"No! It can't be!" I was sure I would have a bruise on my head from all the blood on my hands I saw and on my clothes. I rubbed my head trying to recall the accident but nothing made sense, how could I not have a mark on my head? It had to be a vampire ability they performed on me.


So I changed off my bloody clothes and entered the bathroom before taking a cold bath. I quickly got out, dried my skin and dressed in a baby blue romper that stopped mid-thigh along with white flats.

I went to the door and tried the door to see if it was open. Surprisingly, it was. I rushed into the hall when I saw Sebastian approaching with a black-haired, beautiful woman; she looked about my age. She was slim and shapely, unlike me who had broad hips and a small waist. Her breast was full, it looked as though it would pop out her red ruffle dress. I unconsciously look down at my small breast compared to hers.

Wait a minute! Am I comparing myself to her?

I was brought out of my thoughts to the clearing of Sebastian's throat.

"What are you doing out of bed?" he asked, as the woman looked at Sebastian with a puzzled face.

"I came looking for Naomi, I didn't see her."

"What's this a threesome?" she asked annoyed, tapping her feet rapidly against the titles.

"What. No. Honey, you got it all wrong, she is just a friend of my mother's. She was spending a few days with us until she had an accident?" Sebastian says, sounding puzzled at the last part as he looks at my head where I assumed a mark or blood should be.

If he was confused as well, then it meant he had nothing to do with it.

"It can't be," he says, watching me curiously as the woman looks between me and Sebastian.

"Oh my bad honey, this is Abigail, Abigail, Chelsea."

"It's nice to meet you, Chelsea," I said, stretching my hands out for a handshake. But she didn't budge or respond. 


Hey guys sorry for the late update I had a hard time writing this chapter I hope that it isn't as bad as I think. At the starting of the chapter, I inserted the song I wrote this chapter with. 

Question do you guys want me to insert photos as the story goes or continue to write the story as a novel. Anyways, from now on I will be updating once a week from now on because I have online classes and painting, drawing, computer graphics and these subjects we need to do both online and in-person in small groups and it isn't easy so bare with me guys.

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