15| Infuriated

483 40 16

"I got lost and Katrina showed me my way," I said meekly.

"How can you get lost weren't you following behind Sebastian?" Naomi asked, irritated.

"Why are you so even annoyed,"


Why was everyone annoyed, was I unaware of something? As I looked around I saw tall, muscular serious men in black suits near Victoria and Naomi. A total of six were with them. Who I assumed was the security measure Sebastian put in place.

"What's the matter? I'm here, aren't I?"

"Because I wanna go..." Naomi was about to say before being rudely interrupted by Sebastian.

"You girls should get going . Mom be careful"

He narrowed his eyes at me before turning to the bodyguards and started giving orders.

"You and you keep a close eye on the queen, anyone tries to harm her or these girls shoot them on the spot. If the girls try to run , you are to restrain them immediately," he paused.

"Yes, your Highness."

"If you fail to bring all three women home, you'll be decapitated," he warned with the perils in his voice prevalent.

"Am I clear?"

"Yes, your Highness."

"And mom, when you reach the first store buy the girls something better to walk around in...Hmmm."

"Sure son."

The butler George opens the door, allowing the mixture of cold, warm air to blow against my skin. The sun's rays made a warm cast over my skin. The air smelled of freedom and the fragments of flowers. There were two giant vases with red roses at each side of the grand door. In Front of us were three black tinted Range Rover and a Limo. Six other men were stationed outside with large rifles in their hands, all wearing black sunglasses.

I turned to Lazarus who hasn't said a word all the while and asked.

"Why do you guys need guns and you're vampires?"


"I was asking you why do you guys have bodyguards?'

"Ooh...ah...well obviously we can't just go around biting people's necks and shying them around the place if something goes wrong. Besides our family is the richest in the world of both humans and vampires so we need to fit into human society whenever we visit...I only told you because you wouldn't remember soon. But I still told you too much."

"Ohhh...wow...makes sense," I said, blown away by my newfound information. But I still wondered why he stopped himself from saying whatever when he was explaining.

Sebastian comes out the door and turns to me and Naomi.

"Don't try anything stupid."

I shook my head and followed Victoria into the limousine. Inside the vehicle was far more luxurious than I imagined. We sat on opposite sides of the seat to Victoria, who had two guards at both sides of her. I assumed they weren't for her protection but for caution of us trying to escape. Which was at the front of my head.


It has been two hours of driving on the lonely highway with occasional views of the sea. I was getting agitated when I heard the driver announce through his microphones.

"Your Majesty, we are now arriving in Paris."

Wait in-in-in-in P-Paris? 


Hey guys am so sorry I took so long to update but this is Friday's update another update will be tonight... again I'm sorry for the late update...I think the isolation has been getting to me tho because I have been moody to write muchless read books I have started. 


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