3| Run

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Faint voices.

One was panicking while there was no response.

Pacing footsteps.

"You scared her!" I heard Naomi yell.

Silence followed that, before gradually fading footsteps.

"You can't leave us in here...she's claustrophobic... she's gonna keep fainting!"

I fell asleep.

I don't know what time I woke up, but Naomi was right beside me. Soon as she saw me attempting to get up she rushed over to me. Raised my head up and rested it on her lap moving my hair out my face.

I was drenched in sweat.

"You're going to be alright...breathe...breathe." She cooed as she rubbed my forehead in an attempt to soothe me.

I was trying to sit up, but I was too weak to do that. I was just lying there looking up at the brick ceiling and closing my eyes. That's when I heard the shingling of keys followed by the unlocking of the thick iron bars that held us in captivity.

The platinum-blond guy we saw earlier walked in wearing a black armless close-fitting male tank top and black ripped jeans. It was from what I could see in the dimly lit room. He's got a chiseled face, a slight stubble, and dark blue eyes.

Damn, good looking must be a thing with these guys

He walked in holding a tray in his hands.

"Why are you guys on the ground?" he asked with a puzzled face.

"She's going in and out of consciousness...she can't stay locked up in here any longer she can only control herself this much she's claustrophobic," Naomi said worriedly.

"I'll speak to my brother, but I brought you guys some food...eat up."

Naomi gently removed her legs from under my head and went over to collect the food.

"Don't try anything stupid."

She didn't say a word, she later returned with the tray in her hands.

She sat me up and took me to the wall, and handed me an expensive plate, with mashed potatoes, a piece of steak to top it off; the broccoli and carrots were steamed on the side of the plate.

I immediately dug into my steak as I loved red meat. I cut it and to my surprise, it was done medium rare just the way I like it. I ate it all and was full and feeling better, later we both fell asleep.


I woke up to the fidgeting of the lock. My eyes shot open to the bars and saw Naomi attempting to pick the lock.

"Girl what are you doing," I whispered

"What does it look like I'm doing...tryna get the hell out here!" she whispered back.

I sighed

"Step aside, let the boss show you how it's done."

I slowly rose to my feet, still a bit dizzy as I slowly walked to the bars. Each step I took I became stronger. By the time I was at the bars I was fully energized.

I took a bobby pin out my hair and did my magic. After a few fidgets, the lock opened. The adrenalin pumping through my system. We opened the bars slowly, as to not make any noise. We looked down the dimly lit hallway, when we were outside, both of us made a run for it.


What Do you think is gonna happen next let here your views. 

I don't know tbh if this was a short chapter, but no worries God spare life I'll upload another chapter on Friday.

Till next time...

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