9| Combustion

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"So do you want to talk about what happened," I asked timidly, hoping to hear yes.

Victoria looked at me, breathed in and started talking. I thought her breathing in was a sign that it was a touchy topic for her.

"Well, my husband is the king..."

"Wait, you mean to tell me you're the vampire queen... WOW... how come you aren't attacking me or anything like Lazarus or Sebby?"

I was cut off by her jiggling.

"My dear never call my son Sebby. He hates it, his name is Sebastian."

Wow, what a sexy, mysterious name it suits him.

"Ohhh, that's what Lazarus told me his name was."

"Wait, what are you doing in here, I found the door locked."

She paused, observing my appearance. Her change instantly changed instantly to anger. I heard the movement of the bed and both of our eyes shot to Naomi. She started to apologise.

"Abby, I'm sorry... I know I shouldn't like him because of what they did, but I mean Look at them, they're... seeee... xy"

I would be lying if I said Sebastian wasn't cute, but what made him repulsive was the way he treated us.

"I'm sorry too, but you had to like him?"

I heard Victoria cleared her throat, so we both turned to her.

"I'm sorry Victoria this is Naomi...Naomi, Victoria."

"Nice to meet you," Naomi said, widening her eyes, looking at me.

"So girls, what's the reason behind you being locked up in this room?"

"I wouldn't say we're... "Naomi said before I cut her off saying.

"Well, that's all thanks to your son Sebastian," I said hastily, before quickly adding.

"I'm sorry that came out bad."

"No, No, no, that's okay I understand you're frustrated and wanna go home and also scared that you're surrounded by Vampires," Victoria said as she held both of our hands and squeezed it gently.

"Wow, I didn't expect to hear that from you... "I was about to say your kind but she cut me off.

"Honey, always remember, a vampire's heart may never beat and we may be the undead but we are not all psychopaths, we have empathy," she said with so much love her icy blue eyes sparkled and smiled.

It shocked me I never expected for vampires to be so similar to humans; I guess not judging a book from its cover applies not only to humans but to every living thing.

"I'll remember."

"Well... "she said as she got up from the bed and dusted off her garment.

"I got some business I need to take care of."

"Wait, what unfinished business?"

"Ohhh, don't you worry your pretty little head."

When she exited the door, I didn't wait to hear if she would lock the door. All I did was head back to bed. 


Two updates in one day as promised...don't worry next week the update schedule will be back to normal. It's just that I hate typing out the chapter after I finish writing them lol. But lookout for the next chapter between now and Tuesday. 

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