37| Pretend Dating

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Anxiety pulsed through my veins as I watched Sebastian dial the number. He was totally in his element, commanding and powerful. His gaze shifted to me, and my heart lurched in my chest.

"Yeah, I'll talk to her good. No, don't worry about her. I'll speak to her when I get home."

The conversation ended abruptly, and he turned back to me with a sly grin. "So I need you to be my date for the banquet. My team thinks it's a good PR stunt for us to be seen flirting. At no point should you think that my flirting with you is real, eyes will be on us 24/7 as we're out in public."

I couldn't believe it. Sebastian, the rich and powerful, wanted me to accompany him to the luxurious banquet. I had always dreamed of attending such an event, but never thought it would become a reality. Not only that, but he insisted that I was his date!

As we walked into the opulent ballroom, my dress was a midnight blue that twinkled in ultraviolet light, yet I still felt underdressed compared to the other guests. Sebastian, however, looked like he owned the place with his effortless confidence and power.

He led me to a table at the center of the room, where we were greeted with platters of delectable dishes and glasses of fine wines from around the world. Despite the delicious spread before us, I could only focus on the intensity of Sebastian's gaze as he looked at me.

"You look stunning tonight," he said softly, his eyes tracing every inch of my body.

"Thank you," I replied shyly, feeling a blush rise on my cheeks.

"Who are you and what have you done with Sebastian?"A banquet? As in your date? Isn't that a job for your girlfriend?"

"What's her job is none of your concern. I'm taking you and that's final!"

Suddenly his phone rang

"Yeah, I'll talk to her good. Don't worry about her I'll speak to her when I get home. Good! He paused listening to the person on the phone. "Not this again, thanks, I'll talk her into it."

"So I need you to be my date you're no longer operating as though you're accompanying me. My team thinks it's a good PR stunt for us to be seen flirting. At no point should you think my flirting with you for real because eyes will be on us 24/7 as we're out in public."

I couldn't believe it. Sebastian, the rich and powerful, was taking me to a banquet. I had always dreamed of attending such an event, but never thought it would become a reality. And to make matters more confusing, he insisted that I was his date.

"You look stunning tonight," he said, his eyes tracing every inch of my body.

"Thank you," I replied, feeling a blush.

"Who are you and what have you done with Sebastian?"

Sebastian and I continued our whirlwind tour of the grand ballroom. Everywhere I looked, powerful men eyed me with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity. As we made our way around, Sebastian paused to introduce me to some of them, but I couldn't help feeling that he was trying to show me off like a prize.

Finally, as we reached the edge of the dance floor, Sebastian gestured toward the swirling couples beneath the bright, twinkling chandeliers. "Let's dance," he said, holding out his hand.

I pulled back gently, not wanting to make a scene - after all, this was the sort of crowd that prized discretion above all else. "I can't dance," I said, looking down at the floor. It wasn't a lie: I had never learned how to dance. I held my breath, waiting for Sebastian's reaction.

He smiled and squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Don't worry, I'll teach you," he said.

And so, one by one, Sebastian taught me the basics of dancing: the waltz, the tango, the foxtrot. We laughed and twirled around the dance floor, and soon I felt as if I was floating on air.

As the music faded away and the couples slowly dispersed, Sebastian and I became the center of attention.

"Come, we need to go to the private party for officials. stick close."

He led me to an elevator where he took out a red ruby and scanned it.

When the elevator reached our destination. Black, dark red like blood red, black leather chairs, and all around was the sickly sweet smell of alcohol and cigar smoke.

Amid the darkness, little light accosted the room. A trio of torches illuminated gold and silver trinkets, and a chandelier cast a globe of light on a marble floor. The smell of stale alcohol and cigar smoke, like that of a closed-up cigar shop on a hot, humid day.

His hand rested on the small of my back, warm and inviting. The scent of rose and jasmine drifted to my nose.

"I hope you memorized your speech."

Wait...what speech...I totally forgot to make a speech.

Shit, I'm so screwed. 




Hope you guys loved this chapter I poured my last brain cells into this chapter I'll be working on chapter 38 let us get this chapter to 10 Votes so I can update. 

Thanks for  your support and love. 

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