4| Uh-Ohhh (Wrong turn)

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With my heart beating fast.

Desperation both in our eyes, we ran down the narrow hallways of the dungeon.

We came to the end of the hallway with two pathways, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Which one should we take?" I asked, out of breath.


"You sure?"

"Yes, now go!"

We ran down the even narrower, darker hallway till we saw a giant black double door. I turned the Knob, but it was locked so I picked the lock again. I opened the door and peeped. I looked left and Naomi looked right.

"Clear." We both whispered.

"Which way? Naomi asked.

"Right," I said

As I scanned the halls I realized it was night, the bright light hurt my eyes. The halls were huge, it had about ten doors at each side with cream walls and maroon drapes.

We took off our sandals and held them in our hands and ran. What surprised me the most was how big these halls were in comparison to the dungeon

But what was even stranger though was the fact we weren't intercepted by anyone as yet.

"Abby, I think we're running in circles."

"What now?" I asked her, I thought for a few seconds before saying. 

"Okay let's go into this room." I hadn't anytime to think. 

I turned the knob on the door and entered. The room was pitch black. We crept and bumped into what felt like a table, later followed by the sound of breaking glass.

"Who's there!" said the voice I recognized. Instantly, goosebumps travelled the length of my skin.

The person began to walk towards us. We were trying to run back to the door. But that someone closed the door.

"ANSWER ME!" he yelled.

My heartbeat dramatically increased, my breathing became shallow as the beads of sweat rolled down my forehead.

"Why are you in my room!"

The lights were flipped to reveal the handsome, guy in black joggers. My eyes travelled down the length of his body first his silvery-blue eyes which is bright but yet they possessed darkness.  His shoulders were big and broad, and chest and arms covered with tattoos all the way to his neck. He was intensely built, given his abs defined as that of a scrubbing board. My eyes travelled lower where his joggers hung dangerously low, revealing a very pronoun V. I swallowed hard as his voice brings me back to reality. 

"Are you girls done looking?" he asked in a seductive but annoyed voice, smirking, revealing his white teeth that his pink, supple lips hid.

"Now answer my question!" he awaited our response but it seemed not only I was caught in a daze. 

"Since you two are just standing. I'll take you back to the dungeon."

I finally spoke, "No, No, please I'm going crazy down there I'm claustrophobic...please!" I begged. 

He spoke between laughs.

"And how... is that my fault?"

Frustrated and tired of being here, I started crying. How could someone be that heartless? He had no idea how it felt to be claustrophobic and have to stay in such a small space for days on end.

Naomi reached for and pulled me into a hug, comforting me.

"Shhhhh...it's okay don't cry. This will be over soon."

I pulled away from her gently and wiped my tears away. I looked back at him his features softer.

He looked at me returning an apologetic look.

"I wouldn't carry you to the dungeon."

Not even a sorry guess he wasn't the type to say sorry.

"But if you try to escape again..." he paused and started laughing evilly before continuing.

"I'll kill you got it?"

"Y-yes" we both muttered.


Hey, guys thank you for reading yet another chapter...I love the comments you guys leave it really motivated me. On another note, I was thinking about changing the name of this book lemme know if I should change it comment your answer. Fun fact I burnt my food while writing this...:(

I Wanna thank MichelleBernier0 for the lovely comments she is an amazing writer as well and I hope you guys check her out...she has a book that I'm currently reading.

Till next time anyway, guys next chapter will be longer and will be uploaded next week Monday...sorry for the change in schedule.

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