36| Navy Blue Dress

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Advise using the text-to-speech function so you can appreciate the french spoken in this chapter.

Sebastián's POV

Before he entered the room

Control yourself Sebastián.
You are in control.

I told myself trying to make it pleasurable for her. It's the second hardest thing I've had to do. If only she knew what she did to me with her blood. I was a strong man, but this was asking too much.

I can taste the power, lust, and desire in every drop of her blood. There's something peculiar about the scent and taste of her blood. I've drunk many kinds of blood throughout my life, but none have come close to this.


She strolled out wearing the navy gown I had purchased for her. I viewed her in a completely different way. Her face was golden, and her gorgeous black hair matched each of her eye colors. I snapped my fingers for my stylists.

"Fifteen minutes!"

They all rush to her knocking her down. I quickly rushed to her and caught her mid-fall. She grabs onto me for Dear life.

"Hmph," she looks up at me with her eyes sparkling back at me.

How come I've never noticed the sparkle in her eyes...

Abigail's POV

As soon as I walked in, everyone in the room stopped talking. As they looked at my gown and how it hugged my physique, their expressions were frozen in amazement. Sebastián is the first to break the statue-like state, gently shifting his gaze from my feet to my eyes. As he watches me, the sparkle in his eyes grows brighter.

"Wow...you're of more use than I expected. You look beautiful," he says Extending his hands out to me.

There it was an insult before a compliment.

I grasp his hands, and time stops as I feel little volts of electricity go through my body. Goosebumps sprang on my skin, and a swirling sensation erupted in my gut.

His eyes immediately shoot at me.

"Abigail? You felt that too?"

"Um, yeah. What is that?"

"I'm not sure. But I believe we've been linked since you gave me your blood to drink "He expresses fear and perplexity on his face.

He continues, "I don't know how all this works but I'll do some research.

"Your majesty, if I may," a woman in her early 20s says waiting for approval.

"You may."

"If what I've heard is correct and you drank her blood, you're now inseparably linked. Based on our documentation of a case from 1352. You can anticipate feeling each other's pains, his majesty being able to locate you, and other things. I'll email you the case file tonight, your Majesty."

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