30| Shaking what Mama give Yah

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I began to make the sheets and fluff the pillows, cursing Sebastian for not telling up to now what was all of this about.

After a few minutes of wrestling with the blankets, I could eventually sit on my improvised bed and accept the smooth box, which opened to show an iPhone 12 Pro Max. It wasn't the one I looked upon the internet; it was a limited edition Caviar Mao iPhone 12 Pro Max. The item has a brilliant sheen thanks to the feather and dragon design made of pure gold, and the center's first quality ruby formed like a drop of blood adds luxury. When you look at the design attentively, it all makes sense. The ancient Han period inspired the design spear "Mao." I have read it once before on the internet.

I exclaimed since this had to have cost a fortune. It was my first phone with an internet connection. Because my father believed the internet would corrupt my head, they always handed me a burner phone. Naomi would lend me her phone whenever I came to visit. Whenever she came over, my father wouldn't let her in my room until she placed her phone in our key tray. I am now eternally thankful to her for making my different social accounts.

I guess it goes to show you can try to be extremely strict but children will always be rebellious behind your bad or find a way to be.

I quickly turned the phone on, realizing it was unlocked and ready for use. I decided to call my mom quickly, typing in the digits and calling her, debating if I should call her so late in the night it was 3:11 am. It rings four times before she answers.

"Hello? who's this?"

"Mom?" I say, bursting into tears.

"Honey, is that you? Give me a minute," she whispers into the phone, probably to avoid waking dad.

"I'm outside now, honey where are you?" she asks sternly yet concerned.

"I can't tell you that right now, but I'm okay," she cuts me off.

"I asked you a question, young lady,"

"But mom, I'm safe. I'm staying for a while. When I'm finished, I'll return."

"This is not acceptable, Abigail. You've been gone for almost a month! Your father has called the cops. Do you realize how ridiculous and humiliated we'll feel if they catch you with some boy? "Wait, is that it?" she exclaims fiercely.

"Where is all this coming from?"

"You know what never mind, but your father needs you home in time for your engagement with Adam. Have fun, but don't overdo it or do anything stupid. It'll be embarrassing for the daughter of the pastor to be defiled before her wedding night. So keep that in mind, text me every day okay?"

"I will mom."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Mom, I'll send you a picture to ease your mind."

I ended the call and took a picture and sent it to her on Instagram.

She instantly responds.

"You look so beautiful. Where are you staying? It looks expensive!" she replies with a shocked emoji.

"Oh, nowhere special bye!"

With that, I lay my head on my pillow and fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up feeling extra tired. I got up and went in search of a bathroom. I searched the first several doors but to no avail, but I found a walk-in closet that looked more like a boutique.

The room was narrow, the closet all black. The ceiling above had the unique lighting I have ever seen, the center of the ceiling had a large rectangle light with smaller ceiling lights surrounding it. Underneath my feet was a black fur carpet that covered every square inch of the room, as I walked into the closet, my toes played with the soft velvety fabric beneath it. Straight in front of me is a huge body mirror and a small white stool covered fully in white fur.

I looked through each clothing shelf to find the most detailed suits, tailored tuxedos, and casual but branded name clothing. On the other racks, I found different designs of hats, I pulled on hutch drawers but they didn't budge, frustrated I slammed my fist against it and it slowly came out with rows upon rows of different brand name watches from Rolex to Patek Philippe, even to Jaeger-LeCoultre.

I searched the room a little more and found a headset. I plugged it into my new phone and searched for the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. The music began to blast loudly, I thought of how I used to disobey my father and listen to these songs he forbid me to listen to, chuckling I went in search of a black suit jacket and pants to match.

I quickly dressed and practically jumped out of the room into the area I was staying in when the music hit me.

Your Butt Is Mine

Gonna Take You Right

Just Show Your Face

In Broad Daylight

I'm Telling You

On How I Feel

I began shaking my hips from side to side, jumping up and then holding my crotch as though I had something to hold, as Michael Jackson did in his video. I paused the music and rushed into the closet once more in search of a black fedora hat before finding it. I rushed out of the room and went to my bag in search of my long socks.

Finding it, I knotted it and placed it in the front of my panty, giggling at the bulk it created. My mind strangely wonders about the print I saw on Sebastian. Shaking the strange thought out, I chuckled as I began to grove to the tune, moonwalking and holding the bulk in my panties any chance I had. Not forgetting to look in the mirror as I danced and sang the tune to the mirror.

Because I'm Bad, I'm Bad-

Come On

(Bad Bad-Really, Really Bad)

You Know I'm Bad, I'm Bad-

You Know It

(Bad Bad-Really, Really Bad)

You Know I'm Bad, I'm Bad-

Come On, You Know

(Bad Bad-Really, Really Bad)

And The Whole World Has To

Answer Right Now

Just To Tell You Once Again,

Who's Bad . . .

Now I switched the song to a song I absolutely loved to move to, Megan Thee Stallion - Thot Shit. I was twerking my but to the beat by this point. When I turned to face the door, I saw Sebastian seated in a chair opposite my bed, grinning again, this time without hiding it, his eyes gleaming with something unknown. His legs were crossed and his hand was beneath his chin.


Hey guys it's been a while I'm so happy we were able to reach our goal in the last chapter. I want to thank my readers that have stuck with this book when it barely had 136 reads to now where we have 4.4k reads and 798 votes it's amazing how you guys support me. Thank you so much for giving me hope in a time when I felt as though I was useless and wasn't good at anything you guys took me out from a dark place. I love you guys, keep supporting me. With that, I ask that we work to getting ten votes on this chapter for the next chapter. 

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