22| Nightgown

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She fell asleep in my bed. I was awake the whole night thinking and wondering how I couldn't see the pain in her eyes. After hours of pondering, I fell asleep around four o'clock.


"So, what did she say?"

"She's staying!"

I slowly open my eyes with Naomi and Lazarus in sight. My eyes were definitely puff from all the crying I did last night, not to mention how my eyes burned.

"That's great babe, Ohh and before I forget. Tell her Sebastian wants to speak to her in his office." he says rubbing the length of her arms before kissing her forehead and leaving.


I yawned, rubbing my eyes to take away the tiredness.

I looked at Naomi, still ashamed for what she told me, but she avoided eye contact. The room was still dark, so I sat at the edge of my bed for a few minutes before getting up and opening the newly replaced maroon and cream coloured curtain. I opened the window, allowing the cold air of the morning laced with the smell of fresh flowers I loved to engulf the room.

I take a deep breath before going to the bathroom, passing Naomi.

"Good morning," I said, smiling shyly at her.

"Good morning Abby, slept well?" she asks, her voice cheery.

"Yeah, I did. You?"

"Was awake most of the night but was good though."

"Ohh! Before I forget," Naomi calls at me.

"Sebastian asked to see you."

What, he wanted to see me after his drunk display? I wonder what he wants I don't know but I have a bad feeling about this meeting. An all too familiar feeling creeps through my body, my breathing rapid and shallow. I can feel my pulse pounding in my temples. The feeling of tiny things nipping on my skin, especially on the backs of my neck. They soon began to fade.\

"W-where?" I asked, stammering a little.

"Are you nervous Abby? It's okay girl, he's sober," she says laughing before continuing.

"He wants you to meet him in his office."

"The one we went in when we escaped from the dungeon?" I said, chuckling remembering the whole scene, Naomi laughing as well.

"Wait, he has an office in his bedroom too? I didn't see it," she says, her face puzzled.

"You need to be more observant...like gosh girl," I say rolling my eyes at her.

She chuckles before saying. "Want me to follow you?" I step back, watching at her green eyes twinkling with mischief.

I give her a light cuck on the shoulder.

"What the hell! Of course I want you to follow me. I'm nervous."

"But Abby?" she asks, coming to a halt.

"Why are you nervous? I mean, I get nervous around his sexiness. But you, what's the reason? Are you falling for him?"

I have to admit it caught me off guard. I was still trying to figure out the feeling I get around him. That burning in my chest, a dizzy, head swinging feelings. What was this I felt?

"I don't know," I whispered.

"Ohhh Abby,"


"I wanna thank you for being here for me," she says, bringing me into a hug.

"Not a problem, I hope Lazarus continues to treat you well." I said calmly before continuing in a louder voice.

"Because, if he doesn't. I'll Kill him !"

Naomi burst out into a fit of laughter, throwing herself down on the red antique chair decorated with gold workings.

"Abigail, how do you...intend...to kill...a VAMPIRE," she says laughing in between.

"You don't even know the first thing about them. Other than what your father told you," she says, continuing laughing.

"Ohh whatever, get up let me go to Sebastian and get his over with,"

"Ohh alright"

She gets up still chuckling every time she looks at my face. I now had serious. Before we exit the door, she turns to me and says.

"You plan on giving Sebastian some or what?" pointing at the sexy night gown she picked out for me when Victoria took us shopping. The red vintage nightie suddenly felt some on my body. I felt strange in my own body.

My cheeks instantly heats up and I dash into my half of the room to bathe and change my clothes. 


Hey guys sorry for the very late updates. My week has been very busy but I still managed to type this. Hopefully god spare life I shall update again during the week. 

Oh, I constantly post updates on my message board on when I'll update and sneak peeks of what's to come in the chapters so follow me to get these updates. 

Lastly, this chapter is dedicated to my faithful reader SOULFULGENIUS check him out guys he has amazing books on his profile. 

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