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When he reached in front of us he stopped, closed his eyes and they were back to his original blue sparkling eyes.

He started laughing, flashing his white fangs.

"You should've seen your faces... it was priceless," he said as he knocked his hands on his thighs.

Oh, my God, he wasn't lying.

I stood down founded. All my life I heard my dad preach of vampire spirits and vampires. But it never occurred that they were real.

"So Lazarus, How Old Are You?" Naomi asked.

"Well, I'm 227 and Sebby is 229. He's the big brother.

"Ohhh," I said.

"So Lazarus, are you married, have a girlfriend or anything along the line?"

"Naomi! That's very personal, you can't ask..."

"It's okay, I'm single..." he said, making eye contact with Naomi as he flashed his pearly white again before he was interrupted.

Knock Knock Knock

The sounds were coming from the door. Lazarus got up and sashayed to the door. Opens it, mumbles something to the person behind the door and returns with a tray and hands it to us.

"Where are we?" I asked him.

"Well, we are in my family's mansion."

"I figured that much I meant like what part of America?"

"Wait, you think you're still in America?" he asked, amused.

"You're in France."

"What, why, how am I gonna go home?"

"Calm down, calm down, we have some things that need to be done before you return."

"Things like what?" I snapped.

"Well, like erase your memory of us, the incident."

"Erase our memory, are you crazy! How are you going to do that?"

He paused.

"We're Vampires, how many times do I have to remind you? We aren't humans, our abilities surpass that of humans."

"So how do you erase someone's memory?'

"Well, it's a feature in purebloods. When we are about to do so, our eyes turn red."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" I said the realization hit me.

I got up from the bed.

"You mean to tell me Sebby tried to wipe my memory!"

I said as I paced the room.

"Shhhh... you have to be quiet," he whispered.

"Abigail come eat."

"Not now, Naomi," I snapped.


"I said not now, tell me is that what he tried to do to me today?"

"Yess," He said, worry clearly on his face. 


Hey, guys so Sebastian is Lazarus's big brother. 

So I don't know about you guys but I'm kinda shipping Naomi and Lazarus any ship names comment here to let me see the person to come up with a ship name will have the next chapter dedicated to them.

Upcoming chapters to hold more mystery...if you have started reading my book Tainted love you'll know that I love a good mystery in romance. 

Ohh and before I forget Chapter 10 is already written and it's in Sebastian's POV that's all for now till next time. 

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