8| Victoria

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"Leave" I Snapped, how dare he expect me to stay this calm after telling me they wanted to erase our memory. What upset me the most was that she was defending him.

I sighed

"Okay, I will. It was nice meeting both of you," he picked up the tray with Naomi's plate.

When he was out the door, I turned to Naomi.

"Naomi what's wrong with you. They tried to erase our memory. Doesn't that bother you?"

Could I be the only one trying to think of a way to get out of here to go home? But then it hit me.

"Wait, I see what's happening here. You like him? Don't you?" I questioned, observing how she avoided eye contact.

"Y-yes" She responded, still not looking at me.

"Oh, my god!" I said frustrated, walking to pick up my plate of food.

I took the plate from the dresser and sat on the floor, furious. But as soon as the smell of curry hit my nose, I was calm again.

Food makes everything better

Spoon after spoon I ate until the dish was empty. I wonder how vampires who don't eat can cook such amazing foods.

I looked over at Naomi to see her coming out of the bathroom. She looked over at me shortly before looking away. Whenever we fought we would go a couple of days with me giving her the silent treatment and this would go on until she approached me.

I know It isn't right. But I have a short temper and pride to thank for that.

I passed her and went to the walk-in closet to change my clothes. When I finished I entered the bathroom, took a bath longer than usual, hoping that when I exited she would be asleep and my prayers were answered.

Naomi lay with her face turned the opposite direction to me. I bounced to the back and put on my same clothes.

I was exiting the closet when I heard the closing of the door. I peeped to see who it was. Fear was quickly raised from my stomach to my throat where a lump formed.

The woman who entered without a doubt was beautiful. She had long black shoulder-length hair, her lips were painted blood red, black shapely eyebrows to compliment her pronounced icy blue eyes. She couldn't be over thirty-five.

The woman closed the door, her back now braced against the door. She stood there, her head tilted up and her lips pulled in. A few minutes go by and she hasn't budged. She then closes her eyes silently. She cries, sliding her back against the door until she is seated on the floor, her knees to her chest. She continues to sob, I couldn't just stand there watching her like that so I came into the room. Her eyes shot to my position.

Was she going to kill me?

My blood ran cold.

"It's okay, I wouldn't hurt you," the woman said, and something inside told me I could trust her. I walked to her and sat beside her.

I looked over at her. She was trying to wipe her tears discreetly.

"Why are you crying?" I asked softly, trying to see if she would confide in me.

"I wasn't crying," she snapped.

I realised she was in the state of denial and was taking the blame for whatever wrong was done to her. Something I often did.

"I don't know you, but what I can tell you is that keeping things bottled up only becomes explosive. When you keep things in, you become an over-thinker and an over-thinker creates problems in their head that isn't even there."

"Wow, makes sense. I can't believe I'm four hundred and forty-five and a little girl like you made things clearer for me. What's your name?"

"Abigail," I said.

"Victoria Vladimir, and it's nice to meet you, Abigail," she said with a warm smile.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Vladimir," I said, returning the smile.

"Ohhh please call me Victoria."


I hope you guys got my message I posted in my conversation section. If you didn't see it that's because you aren't a follower hence you wouldn't see when I post information regarding the book. 

Secondly, thanks to @SOULFULGENIUS for the ship name for Naomi and Lazarus. 

Information concerning this book will be posted on my profile. 

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