40| Blood Ties

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I left the room feeling hopeful, but something felt off, like a nagging sense that I'd missed something important. As soon as I opened the door, Katrina grabbed my hand, and I saw Naomi behind her, tears in her eyes. I had missed her so much. My mind was flooded with emotions—sorrow, hope, even joy—but they were quickly washed away by an overwhelming sense of dread.

"How is he? What happened?" Katrina asked, her eyes brimming with hope.

"He's awake, looking a little better," I said, and her face lit up with joy.

"How? What did you do?" she asked, eager for details.

"He just kinda woke up after I spoke to him."

"That's great news! We have to tell the queen; she'll be thrilled!"

All the while, Naomi just watched, her eyes searching for a sign that it was okay to approach me. I slowly walked over to her.

"We need to talk," I said sternly, leading her back into the room.

As I opened the door for Naomi, a chill ran down my spine. She sat on the couch, looking fragile and small, her eyes downcast. My heart ached as I saw the fresh bruise blooming on her cheek under the makeup. It was dark, an ugly mix of purples and blues with a hint of green around the edges, marring her otherwise flawless skin. The swelling was noticeable, distorting her delicate features, and the sight of it made my stomach churn.

"Naomi, what happened?" I asked, rushing to her side, my voice trembling with concern.

She looked away, trying to hide the pain in her eyes, but I could see it clearly now. The bruise was a harsh, violent mark, stark against the paleness of her skin. It looked recent, the skin around it tight and shiny. I could almost feel the impact that had caused it, the force behind it, and it made my heart pound with a mixture of fear and anger.

"It's nothing, Abigail. I just tripped," she mumbled, her voice barely audible, as she turned her head slightly to shield the bruise from my view. But there was no hiding it.

"What really happened to you?" I demanded, my voice breaking. "Ever since you started dating Lazarus, you've been distant from me. I hardly see you. What happened? Since when do you wear thick makeup? I can't even see your skin under the layers. What's been up with you?" I sobbed out, my emotions spilling over.

Naomi looked down, avoiding my gaze. "I've been really busy with my studies. It hasn't been easy for me, and you know that I wouldn't leave you without any explanation. Besides, he shows me love I've never gotten from other guys I've dated. I really hope you understand."

As she spoke, she began to cry. Tears streamed down her face, and as she wiped them away, the makeup on her cheeks smeared. That's when I noticed it: more bruises, partially concealed beneath the layers of foundation. They were older, more faded, but still visible. The makeup couldn't completely hide the damage.

"Naomi," I whispered, my voice breaking, "this isn't love."

She flinched at my words, the pain in her eyes now unmistakable. I felt a deep, burning anger mixed with an overwhelming sense of helplessness. The bruises on her cheeks told a story she wasn't ready to share, but I knew in that moment that I couldn't just stand by. I had to help her, no matter what.

We got up and sat there near Sebastian's bed when I saw a shadowy figure move silently in the corridor, eyes gleaming with malicious intent. Unbeknownst to us, this figure had been watching everything. As the figure turned to leave, a sly smile crept across their face.

The door burst open, and a group of guards stormed in. "We've got a situation," one of them barked.

Startled, I turned to see panic on their faces. "What's happening?" I demanded.

"No time to explain. We need to get you both out of here. Now."

Before I could react, they lifted Sebastian from the bed, and we were rushed out of the room. The palace, once a sanctuary, had become a maze of danger and uncertainty. As we were led through the dimly lit hallways, the queen's anguished cries echoed behind us.

Just as we reached a secluded exit, a figure stepped out of the shadows, blocking our path. His eyes gleaming with sinister satisfaction.

"You really thought you could save him, didn't you?" he sneered. "But you have no idea what you've unleashed."

My heart pounded in my chest. "What are you talking about?"

He stepped closer, his smile widening. "Your blood may have saved him, but it comes with a price. Now, both of you are marked. And the hunt begins."

Before I could process his words, a deafening roar shook the palace. The advisor's sinister laugh echoed in my ears as the guards dragged us into the darkness. We had no idea what awaited us, but one thing was clear: the fight for our lives had just begun.

What do you think will happen now?
Who do you think this person is?
Find out in the next chapter😘

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