11| Your Boyfriend

578 43 33

Abigail's POV

From my time tracking, it's been three days since I talked with Victoria and I haven't heard a word from Sebastian and Lazarus either. I haven't had lunch for the day either.


I heard the door open.

"I need to speak to you girls," I heard Sebastian say from the front room.

I tapped Naomi on the shoulder to wake her up. She rubs her eyes and claps my hands away from tapping her shoulder. Since that didn't work I told her why she needs to get up.

"Naomi, Sebastian is in the other room get up," I whispered.

"Mm-mm. Leave me alone," she protested, rolling to her other side.

Soon enough Naomi was still in bed and I was now staring at Sebastian and Lazarus, whose smell engulfed the room with their expensive cologne. They were both impeccably dressed in black suits and white shirts on the inside. If there wasn't enough difference between the brother's attitude, their dressing style exposed them now. Lazarus's shirt button was unbuttoned showing a silver chain with a pentagram pendant that had red eyes in the middle. It gives me the creeps

As for Sebastian, he wore his shirt fully buttoned. As for his face, it was as though a smile never graced his chiseled features. He was breathtakingly handsome, but he angered me. For he was the one who had us here. The only similarity between the two was that they both had their hair gelled back.

"Mind waking your friend up?" Sebastian asked with his eyebrows cocked.


I decided that tapping her was a pointless gesture, so I did the next best thing I started shaking her.

"What the hell, Abby!"

"Get the hell up your boyfriend and his brother are in our room,"

With no warning, Naomi pushes my head hard.

"You talk way too much!" she snapped.

Naomi got up and went to the bathroom and took about ten to fifteen minutes. When she came out she smelt like shampoo and body works. She turned, looked at Lazarus and his brother, then sat next to me.

"Now that you're both here, I'd like to inform you, you'll have the opportunity to call your parents," Sebastian announced as Lazarus reached into his pocket, pulling out a phone.

"Finally, you stupid asses came to your senses," I said, earning a gasp from Naomi.

"Sister Abigail!" Naomi said mockingly.

"Oh, please... I'm human, not a damn angel... Besides 'ass' is in the bible," I said rolling my eyes.

"Are you two done bickering?" he asked in an irritated voice and both of them walked over to the two seats sitting down.

I watched as these tall men sat and spread out they're long legs.

"Ohh it seems like both of you don't take orders anymore because my mother learnt of your existence."

I watched at Sebastian, admiring how his face made any expression look hot. I looked over at Lazarus, who now wore a shocked expression.

"Wait. She knows?" Lazarus asked, his eyes frantic.

"Yess. Her idea. Now let's get this over with. I got stuff I need to take care of."

Lazarus gets up and hands the phone to Naomi as they both stared into each other's eyes.

"Call your parents," he whispers.

She gives him a light smile and starts punching the digits into the phone while Lazarus returns to his seat next to his brother.

"Hello. Aunt Lucy, it's me Naomi, I'm okay." 


TGIF, do you know why...well because I get to update. 

Well I decided to update both my books (Tainted Love and Sin Lust A Vampire) side by side but Tainted love might take a little longer to be updated based on the fact the chapters will be over 1k words. 

You guys should check it out..another announcement this book is entered in multiple awards. Help me win by voting and commenting now more than ever. 

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