13| Personal Space

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What was he playing at?

First, he holds me into a staring contest.

For some reason I'm caught staring deep into the eyes that only held anger and panic.

"What exactly are you here for mom?" Sebastian asked, turning his attention to her.

Victoria smiles at him warmly, walks up to him and holds his face between her palms and looks deeply into his eyes. He tries to resist her, but he cannot get out of her lock.

"Son, why are you resisting me?... as I said I came to check up on the girls," Victoria says looking over at us.

Sebastian observes her before grabbing her by the arms pulling her away in a corner leaving Lazarus smiling at us so it wouldn't feel awkward. He then walks over to Naomi and they go into the corner, away from earshot.

I Guess he wants nothing to do with me.

So I just sit on the bed watching what transpired between Victoria and Sebastian. They were both whispering. After ten to fifteen minutes of being left in the dark, Sebastian and his mother turned around facing me. Victoria turns to her son, saying.

"Look, even your brother is making a move on Naomi."

"Wait mom, you know their names?" he asked puzzled.

"Well, of course I know their names, they aren't enemies."

"It seems that you're trying to set me up with the human. Since when do you agree that humans and vampires can mix?"

"Ohhh... I never said anything like that," she said, winking at me.

Sebastian looks between me and Victoria, then he lets out a deep sigh.

"Is there something I'm missing?"

"Anyway, I'll carry you girls shopping with me," Victoria said almost squealing.

"Wait mom, no! Not happening, what if they try to run?" he was now watching over at Lazarus for some sort of support.

"They wouldn't, I promise."

"Promises aren't good enough, I'll have bodyguards accompany you, he said through gritted teeth.

"Well, come on girls get ready, we're going shopping!"


I was about to follow behind Lazarus, Naomi and Victoria. When Sebastian put his hands to block the pass way. His strong tattooed arms popping with veins, radiating with a strong Oak and sage.

"I'd like to have a word with you before you go," He says as he clenched his jaw.

I feel the soft panic that can grow. My thoughts swirl into a vortex of stupidity, eating its own tail. I breathe real slow, letting the thoughts leak into the ether and calm my at edge nerves. I mean....

What could Mr. Backhand/ Cocky want? 


Hey guys, how was the week? 

Sorry, guys for the short chapter...I guess Sebastian's evil side is rubbing off on me couldn't give you guys all the juicyness in one chapter now hmmm? 

What do you guys think he wants to talk to her about? Find out in the next chapter. Until next time. 

Thank you for reading today's chapters.

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