32| A Proposal

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I moved away from her and slammed the door in her face this time I had no regard for what her excuse would be. When I assumed Naomi was gone I opened the door discovering she was still there.

"Abigail, I..." I shut her off.

"Save it!" I snapped before continuing. "Suddenly you're able to speak to me, you know what forget it!"

I walked away straight to Sebastian's office.

"I know you're angry," she mumbles.

"No shit Shemlock!" I scowled.

"But, I'd love for us to sit and discuss. It's a lot to take on my own," she replied taking my hands and staring into my eyes.

"Meet me at the poolside."

With that, she departed and I walked to the office.

I knocked on the door earning an answer immediately from Sebastian. I entered the room all the usual feelings overwhelmed me.

He wore a navy blue suit with a red and white tie, along with all his piercings, something I never seen him do. He stood fashionably at the bar drinking something while offering a little grin.

"Join me, do you want a glass?"

Clueless, I shook my head and followed him as I sat on the stool next him. He paused before giving me the glass. He glances at me suspiciously as I take my first-ever drink of booze. The liquid burns its way as it passes down my throat. He starts giggling as he sees my face's response.

"You know if you didn't want to drink it you could have refused."

" And risk being killed like you previously threatened to do...I think not."

"Follow me," he says cutting me short.

I follow him till we were seated at his desk. He clasps his hands in front of him before starts talking.

"So, Miss Abigail, myself, and advisers conducted some significant discussion and came to a resolution. As you know humans and vampires were at war and just lately we came to an agreement to host a conference to explore a method for both humans and vampires to live together without violence. However, this event will be place in Paris."

"So how do I fit into all of this?"

"So in order to prove we can live together in peace, my advisers advised instead of carrying my assistant, it's ideal I carry a human who can function as my assistant to show that you're safe and happy," he stops reaching into his desk for a file of documents.

"Based on considerable research on you, you're more than qualified to fill this post, not to mention your experience in high school on the debate team. Should you opt to take this job you'll get one million dollars with all your costs covered for the journey. Before I continue do you have any questions?"

"When is this trip?"

"One week from now"

"So what am I getting paid so much money to do?"

"Well while researching you, I found out you applied to a college but subsequently withdrew your application. So I'm giving you the money to start without any obstacles you had previously. And as I indicated you're there as a witness that humans and vampires can co-exist."

Suddenly my body felt heated beneath his keen stare.

"Do I have a choice really?"

"You do," he replies quietly.

"Well, I'll need two days to deliberate about my decision."

"Very well."

He rises up and walks me to our room. He enters with me and before I can proceed to my side of the room he grabs my arm.

"Next time don't wear such suggestive clothing, it's not proper while eating breakfast with my family. They tend to criticize others depending on how they dress."

Without thinking before I speak, I said.

"Did you have an issue with the outfit though?"

Personally not at all," he adds grinning before heading out of the room.

A little time later he swears beneath his breath. I didn't know where the sudden courage came from but I enjoyed how it felt to be myself. Something Sebastian himself told me to do.


Hey guys, it's been a while I'm sorry about the false announcement of the updates. But here I am with one update. I've been dealing with a lot hope you guys understand as mentioned before I hope to take back my update routine by September. 


Where do you think Abigail's sudden braveness is coming from Comment below and don't forget to suggest a book name for this book I intend to change it.




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