6| Panic

774 50 42


"Where did you leave them, George," he asked walking to the man.

"They were now exiting the vehicles, Sir." He marched out, but before he closed the door he turned around and said.

"Don't make any noise. Anyone comes in this room hide... It's for your own good," he said before leaving.

"What are we going to do?" I turned to Naomi asking.

Maybe we should look around maybe peek through the window or something to see who came."

From what I could see from the window the backyard must be huge. They were short scrubs making three huge circles horizontally around a huge white fountain. In each circle was a circle of red Dahlias and inside the circle of red flowers was another circle of white roses. It was a magnificent sight.

Naomi and I headed to the window and peeped from where I stood I can see we were high on the mountain surrounded by a dense forest. Past the forest I could see a village the sun was now going down, setting the sky with scattered colours of oranges, pinks, and blues. It was coming on to winter so the air was probably crisp.

What impressed me the most was the arrangement of the flowers was aesthetic.

Bang Bang Bang

The door slowly opened.

We jumped down on the floor and rolled under the bed.

As we looked at the door we saw black leather shoots entering. My breathing hitched as the person.

What a cliché place to hide.

I sighed.

Shit, Lord please save me I don't wanna die.

I silently begged God.

"Wow that's the best place you could've hidden?" a familiar voice asked between chuckles.

"Come out."

Both of us slowly crawled out from under the bed. It was the platinum hair guy.

"I didn't get to introduce myself earlier. I'm Lazarus, and you girls are?" he asked looking at Naomi.

"I'm Naomi, Naomi Grant, nice to meet you," she said blushing as they shook hands.

"I'm Abigail Ratzinger," I said bitterly.

"Okay, okay, I wanna say sorry on behalf of Sebby, he acts on impulse."

I and Naomi started snickering while looking at one another.

"What's so funny?"

"Ohhh nothing," we both said in union still giggling.

"Okay since I don't know how long or what will happen with you girls let's get to know each other."

My stomach started to rumble. I held my stomach and lay back on the bed.

"Ohhh my I forgot you guys need to eat food. I'll have a maid bring up something special for you guys."

"Geez, it's about damn time I'm starving," I said.

Lazarus pulled out his iPhone and made a call.

"Hey, I'll like you to prepare a meal for humans. Make sure no one knows why you're doing this. Get one of the new maids to bring it up," and he ended the call.

"Why did you call us humans aren't you human too?"

"You really don't believe when Sebby said we were vampires? Wow."

"No, why should I? I have no idea why you guys are dying."

"So why don't you believe?"

"She doesn't trust people easily," Naomi blurted out.

"Ohhh, I see," was all he said and down his head.

When he raised up his head his eyes were blood red and he was rushing over to us.

Do you think Lazarus is going to kill them?

Will Sebastian save them before that happens let me hear your thoughts.

Hey guys thanks for the 133 reads and the 24 votes with only 5 going into 6 chapters only...it means a lot to me I know that my work isn't the best but. I so thank full for my three loyal readers which I love so much for reading my book. 

Remember to keep sharing books even with me because wattpad took of FORUMS which is a bad move especially for small writers.

Should they bring back forums and why do you think they took it out?

And I'll like for you guys to check out my friend   She has an amazing book I'm reading also called Moonshine. A Werewolf love story

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