2| He's a Vampire?

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Sebastian's POV

"Damn Sebby, you had to hit them hard. You sure you didn't kill them?" Lazarus asked, chuckling and knocking my leg. 

"No, they're alive. Now stop laughing, " I snapped.

"And don't call me that, I hate it!"

I picked the two coloured eyes, young lady, up and tossed her over my shoulders effortlessly, fixing her dress. Lazarus had the other, and we both used our speed to run into the close-by a forest, where our idling vehicle expected our return.

When the driver saw us coming he didn't delay, he opened the door for us and we were on our way to the air terminal. Where my private plane anticipated our return.

I was totally panicking, which wasn't me. I didn't know what to do when I saw them watching, so I didn't the first thing that came to mind. But then again, the coloured eye girl blood had a one of a kind scent. It was driving me insane. Lazarus seated firmly with his attention out the window, I know he was holding back his inclinations just like me. She had something that made me gravitated to her, that angered me. I wasn't going to risk the past replaying. 

I was going to worry about what I'd do with them when I was back home.

She shifted and was resting her head on my shoulders.

I just couldn't put my fingers on it...there was something about her.

Not to mention the intoxicating smell of her blood.

Abigail's POV


Heavy eyelids

A pounding headache

A hard surface

It all came back to me, the dark figure that spoke to me.

Could they have been vampires?

But they weren't real...right?

I tried to open my eyes but they just wouldn't budge.

After several attempts, they opened.


Dizzily I sat up and look at my surroundings. Thick rusting bars surrounded us in an awfully faintly lit place by a few incandescent bulbs, but yet the place appeared to possess darkness. The brick walls were covered in moss. The place smelled of strong iron, possibly dried blood. The haunting sound steady droplets of water echoing against the walls. There were no windows, which meant no clue of the time of day.

I looked over to my left and saw Naomi lying on the thick piece of wood that was attached to the wall.

I looked for my phone nowhere to be found.

Of course, they took it

I sighed

The wood underneath me cracked as I moved over to tap her on the shoulder to see if she was alive.

"It's still early mom...five more minutes," I sighed.

"Naomi you're not home!" she attempted to turn on her other side and fell flat on her face.

"Owwww!" she screamed in agony.

"Are you alright?" I asked as she looks up at me with her mouth stretched before she stands up, dusts herself off, and sits next to me.

"Abigail where are we?" she asked her tone worried.

"I'm hungry."

"How can you think of food in a time like this...But I'm not gonna lie I'm hungry too..."

"I don't kno...." I was cut off by the unlocking of a door followed by the loud echoing of footsteps. It kept getting louder before it suddenly stopping, I looked for a person, no one.

There was a moment of silence before the person spoke.

"I see that you're awake." The voice was strong, authoritative but seductive in a weird way.

We both didn't speak so he continued.

"Do you know where you are and why?"

"N-n-no, c-can you t-tell us?" I stammered my nerves getting the best of me.

"You're in a dungeon because you saw what you shouldn't have."

"But it isn't our fault she screamed and we were curious," Naomi stated matter of factly.

The damn girl doesn't know to keep her mouth shut for her own good.

The person chuckled.

"W-what are you?" I asked hesitantly as he steps out the dark. His face I remembered it, he was the man I saw early.

As the realization hit me, I began to step back, hitting the wall. While Naomi just stood fearlessly observing at the man before us within the cell.

"I'm a Vampire" was all he said vacantly in front of me.

How could I believe him?

He has to be lying

"Sorry to break it to you, sweetie, I'm not lying." He expressed as he had me backed up against the wall.

"I'm a Vampire."

His eyes glinted between his blue eyes to blood-red ruddies.

It was as if my heart had abruptly ceased beating and all the blood rushed to my feet. I swayed for a minute before I was caught by someone.


Hey, guys here's another chapter I'm very excited to write this chapter I've received a lot of feedback especially from one reader and writer you guys should check it out, I'll leave his name below.

Thanks to  for the lovely comments...he has an ongoing book named Totem Wars check it out..I'm currently enjoying it. 

Thank you all for the lovely comments. Until next time :)

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