1| Why Me?

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Dark brown, long wavy hair tenderly hangs over a defined square face. Two distinctive coloured eyes, set charmingly inside their sockets, calculating a way to come out and ask.

Beige rich skin nimbly complements my hazel blue and olive green eyes, spots sprinkled over my nose and beneath my eyes. My thick but shapely eyebrows concealed and highlighted to compliment my naked ombre round-shaped lips.

I take both hands to capture my 3b hair in an up-do with a scrunchy and the help of a brush and bobby stick. I take my finger and drag out strands from both sides of my ear. I reached for the aroma I made with cinnamon, jojoba oil, and a bunch of other stuff and sprayed myself.

My mother is a beautiful woman, I appreciated her for the way she embraced her Type 4 hair and her charming personality. No, wonder my father married her. She was breathtaking. My father wasn't bad looking for a man in his late fifties. He had pale ivory colour skin; he stood at a stature of 6 ft.1. His sky-blue eyes covered up behind hooded eyes at whatever point he'd got annoyed, his eyes turn three shades darker. 

"What do you say when you enter a room filled with people, Abigail!" my father snapped.

"Good night?" I said Knowing I was about to get a lecture. 

"Listen to me Abigail doesn't matter what age once you live under my house you live by my rules. Got it?"

"Yes Dad, but I'm nineteen."

"Well, why you haven't gotten your apartment, or maybe a simple thing like a job. You keep saying your nineteen and you don't show the responsibility of a nineteen-year-old."

"You don't give me my independence to be, remember when I told you I was going for a job interview at Joseph Hospital? You told me to cancel it because we have to go to a church meeting...and you know what I discovered there was no meeting. So I try to be independent!" I said at the top of my voice my blood boiling.

"Let's just have dinner like a happy family shall me?" there it was that bipolar attitude, he was just angry but now he is completely calm. I don't know why he always treats me this way he never treats my big brother Nathan like that.

I decided since he was calm I should ask him to go to the Halloween festival.

"Hey, dad," I said, timidly.

"Yes, Abigail."

"Can I go to this Halloween festival in town?"

"Ask your mother."

I turned to my mother who was eating her spaghetti with her eyes down. I always wanted to know why she was such a layback person whenever my dad and I had arguments.

"Mom? Can I go to this Halloween festival?"

"Sure you can go but don't be too late."

Later that Night

"Abigail, I can't believe they let you go. What did you tell them?" Naomi asked. We have been best friends since we were small. We have been looking forward to this festival all year long and it was finally here. I never liked to be reminded I was a pastor Samuel Ratzinger's daughter and Naomi never reminded me and I loved her for that.

"I told them the truth and my mom allowed me."

"Wow...that's strange you never really get to go out so I'm surprised."

"You know right now focus on the road I don't wanna die."

A few minutes later we arrived at the festival we parked the car and headed to the festival.

The festival was packed with people. The smell of popcorn and cotton candy filled my nose.

"Abby let's go to the fortune-teller," Naomi exclaimed, bouncing with joy.

"No, you know my father would kill me for going."

"But he wouldn't know because he isn't here."

"I don't know Nae I'm kinda scared."

She started to push me toward a booth as I reluctantly try to resist her. In no time I'm seated in front of a woman dressed in all black with weird body painting around her black eyes and hands and her dreadlock hair hanging in her face.

As soon as the woman caught sight of my eyes she gasped.

"Your eyes, I've never seen anything like it."

"Ohhh...lol its nothing I was born with them it's something called heterochromia."

I continued, "It's always been like that."

"It's rare...come let me tell your future free of cost." The woman said as she reached for my hands.

"Hey!" Naomi protested.

"What about me? Am I getting a reading too?"

"Hmmm...how about you pay $5...mmm" cooed the woman sarcastically.

"Hey, that's the full price...I brought her here!" Naomi protested.

With her eyes closed, she began to tremble, then she began to rock back and forth, side to side before suddenly stopping. Her eyes shoot open, she just stares at me blankly, before saying.

"You're are in danger...so so much danger...so much betrayal, blood, battles between two parts of you, self-discovery, you'll meet your soul mate" her words were broken.

"Wow...Now move over Abby let me get my fortune told."

Before I can react she pushes me out the way and sits on the stool. I stand up and dust my clothes off. Naomi stretches out her hands.

The lady breathes out loudly.

"Come on, I'm paying."

Twenty minutes later

"Nae I want to go to the bathroom."

"Me too."

We asked one of the workers for directions, who gladly showed us the way. She pushed me to the washroom when we both heard a piercing scream coming from the back of the washroom.

Naomi pulled on my floral dress we crept to see a tall guy with platinum blonde hair, glowing crimson eyes with fangs sank deep in a woman's neck as the woman's eye roll to the back of her head, her body going lifeless. Besides him was another guy, who words couldn't describe him.

He stood tall around 6 ft. 3. His chiselled jaw lifted with pride. His eyes, a shimmering icy blue, and his delicate wavy, feather-like dark hair brushed away from his forehead. Tattoos covering both hands, intensifying the dark aura he emanated.

I was brought to attention by Naomi yelling at me grabbing my hand. 

"Abigail, Run!"

We ran but, slowly I felt her hands get heavier before dropping. I turned back and saw her lying on the ground. Eyes closed and her hands in mine.

My heart was thumping hard.

I turned around and was met with the hardest backhand to the head.

A tall dark figure stooped down near my head and said.

"Should have looked the other way." The person said, as the baritone of his voice reverberating through my bones.

Why me?

To be continued...

If you've reached this far...THANK YOU it means a lot to me. I hope you stick to the end of this book.

My update schedule is every week on Monday and Friday so add this book to your library to get notified.

I'll only make an early update if I finished the chapter and you guys ask for it in the comments. (Secret) 

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