16| Flashbacks

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I couldn't believe my ears. As a little girl growing up, I'd ask my dad if we could go to Paris.

Twelve Years Ago

"Daddy, when I grow up I want to go shopping and buy all the dolls I want and buy all the nice clothes like in the movies," I squealed, bouncing with joy.

"Those are material things, they cannot get you to heaven. What you need is a bible and lots of prayers," my dad scolded.

"But dad..." I whined.

"No dolls and that final," he snapped, now turning to mom.

"Mariam, I don't want you buying any dolls for Abigail...you heard me?"

"Honey, don't you think that's taking things a little too far? She's just seven years old," my mom said, pleading with my father.

"I'm the man of this house. What I say goes," He roars.

"But honey?"

Mariam. My sister didn't have dolls either, and she grew up just fine."

"Okay...Okay...you win no dolls," my mom said, surrendering her rights.

I remembered how I cried myself asleep that night with a pounding headache. That night my parents fought back and forth, my dad speaking down to my mother for going against him. They were never the same. I was never the same. None of our relationships with one another were close again. They say that a father mostly loves his daughter a lot but in our house it was different. He loved my brother. It was clear he favoured him more than me.


The tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down my face. I feel the muscles of my chin tremble like a small child and I look toward the window. There is a constant rollercoaster of thoughts in my head, the side effect of this constant fear, constant stress I lived with. All germination as I grew into a massive mess mental mess of anxiety and personality disorders. I quickly wiped my eyes as I heard someone shift in their seat. I looked again at my reflection on the tinted windows to ensure I didn't appear as if i was crying.

I was far from looking normal. My hair was all over the place, so I loosed my hair from its bun and used my hands to pull my haywire hair in place. I looked at Victoria whose eyes were fascination, sparkling in her eyes.

"I love your curls. I wish my hair could look as voluminous as yours." Victoria said smiling after.

I returned the smile.

"What are you saying? You want your hair to look curly like mine?"

"Well...yes...is that even possible," she asked, laughing at herself.

Naomi and I gasp in union.

"Wait. You're serious. No offense. But you can curl your hair at the salon," I said.

"Yes, I'm aware. But what if it doesn't look good?"

"Are you serious? You're beautiful, anything will look good on you," Naomi exclaimed.

"Yeah for real," I agreed.

"Okay...Okay...we'll go to the salon first. My treat."

"Thought we were only going shopping for clothes," I said.

"Girls please allow me to show my gratitude."

Victoria picked up the telephone near her arms and held it to her ears.

"Hi, Emildo, take me to Massato, thank you," she says into the phone.

She looks to us and smiles to herself, obviously proud. We look through the window, watching. As we drove down the streets of Paris, beautiful French girls with shopping bags in their hands showing their long tanned legs walking down the sidewalks. Talls palm trees swayed to the strong winds. The vehicle slowly decelerated as I neared a white building with black trimmings.

"We're here!" Victoria announced, excitement prevalent in her voice.

I stare with awe at the building as one bodyguard opens the door for us. Before stationing himself outside the salon using his walkie talkie to summon the rest of guards, the others take Victoria's side. We exit, following behind us the guards assigned to us.

The guards open the thick glass door for us. The salon had round cage ceiling lights that give the salon a rich golden glow to the black furniture. The salon was packed with beautiful French girls with their heads held high as they sat and had their hair, nails or face done. As soon as we entered and the bell rang, all eyes were on us, panic cracking through their faces.

A tall, elegant woman probably in her late fifties approached us and curtsy.

"Bonjour votre majesté. Bienvenue à Massato comment puis-je vous aider?" the woman greeted us in French.

Translation: Good morning your majesty. Welcome to Massato, how may I help you?

I looked at Victoria puzzled, only able to understand two words Bonjour and Massato which were good morning and the name of the place.

" Bonjour, je suis ici avec mes amis pour te coiffer et te coiffer." Victoria response speaking fluently in French.

Translation: Good morning, I'm here with my friends to get our hair and nails did.

"Pas de problème votre majesté.."

Translation: No problem your majesty

"Tout le monde! Tu reviendras quand nous aurons fini." the woman snapped

Translation" Everyone out! You'll come back when we're finished."

Without a word or quarrel, they all left the salon. When they were all out two more guards came out one of the Range Rover and stationed themselves by the door. Victoria's guards were at both sides of her as the same for myself and Naomi's guards. The ladies approached us and asked what we desired. 


Hey guys, I know I said I would Have updated Monday but My internet was tripping I wrote this chapter about four times and saved it but when I came out and went in back the app it would be gone. As for me my reading I can't get to ready any books in my library. Please forgive me.

Well what you guys thought of this chapter. I made it extra long rather than what you would have received on Monday. 

I didn't know how to insert the translation to I did it like that. Mind you I don't speak French so if it's wrong forgive me or pm me the correct transition. 

Please don't forget to ADD THIS BOOK TO YOUR LIBRARY so u can get updates when I update.

I'll see you Friday. 

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