39| Blood Ties

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The royal guards heard this and half of them rushed to us in matter of seconds picking the prince up leaving me there. As they picked him up I could see the life draining from his eyes.

"No! Don't leave me, please!" I begged.

As I'm being rescued by the guard while the rest fight I instantly feel stabbing pains through my abdomen one after the the other. But I had no time to see who or what did all I felt was warm liquid leaking and dripping all over my body as a cold feeling creeped gradually up my fingers reaching my center. A strange hazed feeling threatening my my mind and vision. The last thing I say before the darkness engolfed me was the guard turning to me licking his tongue out and licking and sucking on my arms hungerily savoring my blood.

His unkept stubble dark brown eyes turning bright crimson, thick eyebrows savoring me as he carried me back to their vehicle.

"Harold! Wtf man she's dying quit it!" I heard another man shout as I went unconscious.


I get up feeling a sharp pain in my abdomen, I looked and saw my whole stomach my whole area bandaged. I immediately got up and asked where was Sebastian. No one answered only the concern looks on their faces the one to give me an answer. All I could think about was if he was OK suddenly his mother rushed, her face filled with sadness.

I turned to her and said, "your majesty how is he?"

She didn't answer she looked away a teardrop from her eyes.

"He's…weak, we tried everything!" She said through spbs.

I started to get up trying to make my way to see him, but his mother wouldn't let me get up then I saw his brother I ask him. How is he? He didn't answer either. Why was everyone so quiet not telling me what was happening Then it all made sense. He probably wouldn't make it and that intensified my reasons for wanting to see him maybe somehow I could help him after we had a bond. Maybe my blood would make a difference because he said there was something strange about my blood it didn't taste like humans blood.

"Could I see him?"

"Sure dear you'll need to rest up, you've had a pretty bad injury."

Slowly I turned on my side preparing to rest.


I woke up a few days after and the day staff was already in my room preparing for me before I woke up my friend who I haven't seen in a while rushes to my side as soon as she sees me awake.

"Omg, where have you been? I said they killed you and dumped your body somewhere," I said laughing with her.

"No I just had some family issues to deal with and just asked for some time."

" Anyway let's get you to seeing his highness," she said smiling.

Katrina helped me out of bed, her movements slow and careful due to the bandages wrapped around my abdomen. Each step towards the Sebastian's chamber was filled with a mixture of hope and fear. The hallways of the palace were eerily quiet, the usual hustle and bustle replaced by a tense silence.

As we approached Sebastian's room, my heart pounded in my chest. The guards outside the door gave us solemn nods, stepping aside to allow us entry. Inside, the air was thick with the scent of antiseptic and a faint hint of blood. The dim lighting cast shadows on the walls, adding to the somber atmosphere.

Sebastian lay on a large, ornate bed, his once vibrant presence now a mere shadow of its former self. His skin was pale, his eyes closed, and his neck was wrapped in blood-soaked bandages. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of him. Despite our past, I couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion seeing him in such a vulnerable state.

Katrina placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I'll give you some time alone," she whispered, then quietly left the room, closing the door behind her.

I took a hesitant step forward, my eyes scanning Sebastian's frail figure. His tattoos, once a mark of his strength and rebellion, now seemed like desperate attempts to cover the scars that marred his body. I wondered about the stories behind each scar, what pain and battles he had endured.

Gently, I sat beside him and took his cold hand in mine. "Sebastian," I whispered, my voice trembling. "I know you can hear me. Please, you have to fight. You have to come back...your mom needs you..I-I ... they need you"

The room was silent except for the faint sound of his labored breathing. My eyes filled with tears as I looked at him. The once arrogant and snobbish prince was now lying helpless, and my heart ached for him.

Unbeknownst to me, the queen stood just outside the door, peering through a small crack. She watched as I fumbled to express what was in my heart out to her son, her own eyes welling up with tears. She saw the sincerity and the pain in my eyes and realized the depth of my feelings for Sebastian that I couldn't help but feel it was all due to him having had me in captivity.

Inside, I was overcome with a sudden impulse. I couldn't just sit there and do nothing. I remembered what Sebastian had once said about my blood, how it was different. Maybe, just maybe, it could save him.

I bit down on my arm, hard enough to draw blood. The pain was sharp, but I didn't flinch. I held my arm over Sebastian's mouth, letting my blood drip onto his lips ensuring he couldn't grab me and drain me dry. "Please, let this work," I whispered desperately.

As my blood touched his lips, there was a faint flicker in Sebastian's eyes. I held my breath, watching intently. Slowly, his lips parted slightly, and he instinctively swallowed. I continued to let my blood drip into his mouth, hoping against hope that it would make a difference.

The queen, still watching from outside, gasped softly. She covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes wide with a mixture of shock and hope. She had heard stories of ancient bloodlines with healing properties but had never believed them to be true. Now, witnessing this, she prayed that the stories were real.

Minutes felt like hours as I continued to feed Sebastian my blood. Finally, I stopped, my arm throbbing with pain. I gently wiped the remaining blood from his lips and whispered, "Please come back to me, Sebastian."

For a moment, nothing happened. I felt a sinking feeling in my chest, fearing that it hadn't worked. But then, slowly, Sebastian's eyes fluttered open. They were weak, but there was a spark of life in them that hadn't been there before.

"Abigail," he croaked, his voice barely audible.

Tears streamed down my face as I smiled. "Yes, I'm here. You're going to be okay. Just hang on a little longer."

Sebastian's eyes, still showing signs of weakness, softened slightly as he looked at me. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice steady despite its quietness.

I nodded, understanding the gravity of his simple words. "Rest now," I said gently, squeezing his hand.

Sebastian's hand weakly squeezed mine in return, a silent acknowledgment of my efforts. He didn't say more, but the gratitude in his eyes spoke volumes. For the first time in days, a glimmer of hope filled the room.

However the queen wasn't the only person that observed the miracle that Abigail did.

So sorry for the very late update. Half of the chapter was written since January but I kept getting writers block but hope this somewhat makes up for it already started on chapter 40🤭 Hopefully when I'm finished my 12hrs shift I can update this to get rid of any errors.




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