21| It's About Him pt2

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This chapter as mentions of rape and may be triggering to some readers, so reader's discretion is advised. Read at your own risk. 

"Naomi, I said no now leave me alone...damn, is that too hard for you!"

"Abby. Please!" she begged desperately, tears streaming down my face as she attempted to hold my hands. I yank them out of her hands and went into the walk-in closet, closing the door in her face.

I dressed in my nightgown and got out of the closet, passing her going to my bed. I raised the covering off my bed, put my feet in, and turned my back to Naomi.

"Abigail? Please take time out to listen to me," she whispers.

I said nothing. I just started crying. I couldn't believe after all these years of us being friends she was willing to leave me to go back by myself just so she could stay with her kidnapper she had to be suffering from PTSD. I refused to be prey to it, I have to find a way to talk her out of it tomorrow. I thought as sleep slowly took over.


I got up and looked at Naomi's bed to see it was empty. I sucked my teeth knowing she had to be with Lazarus. I went to the washroom the bright light emitting from it hurting my eyes and went back to bed. Half an hour later my bed dented in and Naomi spoke.

"Abby, are you awake?"

"Well, I know talking to you in your sleep is pointless, but although I operated as though I was going to tell you earlier," she exhales heavily before continuing.

"The truth is, I can't stand to watch you, Judge me? It's stupid but I'm scared to lose you I'm scared for Anna. My parents died when I was twelve. Since then, my aunt on my father's side has been looking after us." She says between sobs.

"Remember what I told you when I came out of school, that my aunt didn't want us in the same school so I lied. I haven't gone back to school since then. My aunt kept me home and only sent my little sister Anna to school. She kept me home to CLEAN! Abigail! To CLEAN!"

It shocked me. I never knew she didn't go back to school. I myself cried. I was such an insensitive friend she could have committed suicide and I wouldn't have been there for her. I was caught up in how I felt. I never took into account how she would talk tense whenever I called her.

"Abby. You know I could have dealt with not going to school, but life doesn't like me. So my aunt started dating a man younger than her. He was thirty-five and she was forty..."

No. No. No. Please don't be what I think she is going to say. I pleaded internally.

"He used to treat me better than my aunt, he would buy me gifts, help me with my chores and carry me out when my aunt was at work. He was like a father figure to me, and I loved and respected him for that. For two years he was with us until my aunt and him weren't on the best terms. My aunt started working late coming home till after ten in the night, one he came in my bed drunk and... he..." she started sobbing even harder.

"And he raped me. I told my...myself it was because he was drunk. The next morning he had his usual bright smile, So I didn't tell my aunt because I smelled the alcohol on his breath. So I said nothing little did I knew that was my biggest mistake. That whole week I was sore. A week after, I was preparing to go to bed when he walked in repeating the horrid act. This time he wasn't drunk and he was rougher than before, his green eyes dark with lust. The next morning I told my aunt and she called me a liar. I knew she hated me because I looked like my mother...why she hated her I don't know."

"After I told her and she did nothing. I went to your dad and told him everything. He turned me back and told me to go home saying that my aunt warned him of my liared tongue."

I heard enough. I sat up quickly startling her and hugged her hard, crying as I repeated one thing over and over.

"Am sorry. Am sorry. I'm so so sorry. I wish I was there for you. But I'm here now. I'll never leave your side again."

"What do you mean?" she asked puzzled.

"I'm staying with you," I said, crying even harder as she did the same tightening her grip around me. 


Hi, guys, this chapter was very sad but it kinda explains why she gravitated to Lazarus. Maybe it was his personality. What do you think made her attached to Lazarus? And if you were Abigail would you have hugged her earlier. If you're new comment n I'll give you a shout out in the next chapter. 

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