Chapter 57: Em and Brayden's First Birthday

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Michael just turned four and now Em and Brayden are turning one. I can't believe how fast they are growing up. They are both walking and it seems like the last eight months flew by in the blink of an eye.

The kids are doing so much and they love their big brother. Em is a daddy's girl. If Tristan walks into the room. She stops whatever she is doing and runs up to him and wants him to pick her up. 

Brayden is that way with me he is a mommy's boy so is Michael. We are working on their alphabet and little things right now since they are still so young. They both know their shapes and some colors. 

They both talk a lot about everything and constantly ask questions and their favorite is why. The guys love to answer their questions. Logan and Odette are going through a divorce. He has been staying between our house and Finn's.

They have a vaccination for the virus so life is starting to get back to normal little by little. Restaurants have opened back up and schools with masks. We have ordered two separate cakes since we have a boy and a girl they each have their own area for gifts and the party they wanted. Sookie is catering the party. 

We only invited a few people only family, the guys, Sookie's family, Lane's family, Paris' family, Madeline, and Louise will both be here with their kids. So about twenty-five guests. Michael starts preschool next week.

I am totally not ready for that. I want my baby to stay home with mommy forever. The next thing I know he will be starting high school and then college. Time seems to just go by too fast and I want it to stop. I want my kids to stay little forever. 

Tristan and I still have an amazing relationship. He has started seeing patients through computer visits. He has made a great name for himself and people as far as New York who schedules appointments with him. 

He has over fifty clients now. He has only been working for a couple of months. He had to do a certification class online to see clients through teleview services. He is happy to be working and I spend my day while he works with our kids. Watching cartoons or something every day with each of the kids. I am still working with Michael on his reading skills. 

I am only sending him to preschool to make friends because he is well over a first-grade level in everything. He is reading second-grade books and math skills at a second-grade math level. He is very smart for his age and I think he will be able to skip a few grades and will graduate early. 

Tristan and the guys are decorating each side. Logan and Finn are funny they are decorating Em's side and covered in pink. Emily is very close to them both and Brayden is closer to Robert and Colin I think they are scared of Emmy. 

They each have their own smash cakes and decorations. Even tho they are twins we wanted to ensure they each got their own cakes and decorations. 

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We got all the food set up and decorations done

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We got all the food set up and decorations done. Now it was time for people to start arriving. Logan was not ready to deal with his family and he knew they were invited. They didn't like the fact he had been visiting and staying with us. 

Shira thinks we have some game going on with all the guys sleeping with me. She doesn't understand that we are all really good friends and that I love my husband. 

We stood at the door greeting the guests as they arrived. Logan walked off to Change Emmy when the Huntzberger's arrived. 

"Where is Logan it seems he spends more time with your family than he does his own?"

"He went to change Emmy. She was wet and he volunteered to change her while we let our guests in."

"Wow, diaper duty. I am not sure what you all are doing just know it doesn't look good having these guys staying in your house all the time."

"He is a guest of mine and is welcome to stay anytime he wants as well as the other guys. We are all friends and that is it. My wife is mine and nothing like what you are insinuating is going on and I don't like the fact that you are thinking that."

"Well, it doesn't look good with your wife and a houseful of men. One who is her ex and the other guys have always had a thing for her. If you can't see that Tristan then you need to have your eyes checked. Why do you think they hang around? Hoping that when she leaves you they can be there to pick up the pieces for her just as they would have done if she hadn't hopped on a bus and left town when she and Logan split up."

"You need to quit coming into my house and being disrespectful to my wife and our friends. They are good guys and I wasn't there when all that happened but I can tell you this my wife isn't going anywhere she loves me and we have a family. So you need to open your eyes and see the truth. Maybe you should just leave now. You were only invited because of Logan."

Shira stomped off as she let out a huff. She was so mad she walked right to Emily and Francine. Logan bounded down the steps holding a laughing Emmy.

"I see the wicked witch of the north has arrived. I am going to check Brayden and see if he needs a clean diaper. Tell mommy and daddy bye-bye."

"Bye-bye mommy and daddy. I wove you."

By the time Logan came back down, all the guests had arrived and the party was starting. Everyone was covered with masks and they would take their food out to the tables in the backyard and remove their masks. 

They had a huge tent over the top of the yard to keep everyone out of the sun. They had both the kid's party area set up outside as well. They were served their cakes and they both enjoyed them. 

Once they were finished with their cakes they were taken upstairs and bathed. Redressed in their actual party outfits and then came back down to open their presents. 

They had been receiving checks in the mail all week from the normal society people that would normally attend the birthday parties but with the pandemic, we sent invitations for people to join by computer.

Once all the presents were opened and taken to the nursery. The guests left and the kids were outside playing in the yard with their uncles and aunts. Lane and Paris stayed behind to hang out. 

They were all relaxing and drinking some wine while the guys had their beers and were playing with the kids. It was a nice day and a nice evening. Her mom, Diane, and both her grandmas had cleaned up the party and told them to relax. Luke, Jackson, and Michael were watching sports. 

She had told Paris and Lane they were both staying since they had been drinking. They ended the evening a couple of hours later and they all split off to separate bedrooms. 

All in all with the pandemic and everything going on in the world right now. The kids had a good birthday and they enjoyed being able to spend time with their friends while their parents took care of the kids.  

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