Chapter 9: This feels right

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I arrived back at my mom's and see my boxes sitting on the front porch. These are my boxes from London. 

I load them in my car. I go to the house and call out. "Mom are you here?"

"In the kitchen. Where did you disappear last night?" Lorelai asks.

"Logan and the guys showed up. We ended up in New Hampshire at some bed and breakfast. Then I told Logan I was done and he would not be hearing from me again. I saw my boxes came so now I can block his number and start my life without Logan."

"Did you sleep with him?"

"No mom I did not. I told him I have a boyfriend and we are done. I had Finn to stay with me so Logan wouldn't try anything."

"Really? Why did you tell him you have a boyfriend? You don't do you?"

"Actually, Yes I do mom. Three days ago Tristan and I became official. Before you ask no we haven't slept together. He wants to take things slow."

"Really? You and Tristian. Can't really say I wasn't expecting this because I was when I saw how you looked at him and how he looked at you when he picked your stuff up."

"Well, he has extended an invite to his loft for not this weekend but next weekend. For you and Luke. We can go to dinner and maybe even do a Gilmore movie night. I would really appreciate you coming and getting to know him. He really has changed."

Lorelai looked down and back at Rory. "Okay, sweets we will come up for the weekend. I will have to fight with Luke because he hates the City."

"Thanks, mom. It really means a lot to me and promise me you will be nice."

"I will try my best to be on my best behavior. Are you heading home already?"

"Yes, mom I am. We have a date tonight and I have missed him."

"Alright, sweets we will see you next weekend." She gave Rory a hug. 

Rory walked out of her mom's and grabbed her phone.

Hey Baby I am going to be heading home shortly. I am going to stop and see Lane for a few minutes. Then I will be heading your way. I can't wait for our date tonight and to see you I have really missed you. See you soon. xoxo R

I can't wait to see you either baby girl. Be safe on your way home. Have fun visiting Lane. I hope you like my plans tonight for our date. I have really missed you. See you soon Mare. xoxoxo T

Rory pulled up outside Lane's. She walked up and knocked on the door. Lane opened the door. 

She grabbed Rory in a hug, "Rory, I am so glad you stopped by. I have missed you. I only have fifteen minutes until I have to pick the boys up and then head to work at the diner.

Hey Lane and I have missed you too. That is perfect because I only have about ten minutes to visit. I have to be heading back to The City. I have a date tonight with my boyfriend." Rory said smiling and looking giddy at Lane. 

"Dish girl. Boyfriend since when? Who is he? Is he hot? Remember I am a married woman so I have to live vicariously through you."

"Okay, so do you remember Tristan from Chilton? Bible Boy or Spawn of Satan?" 

"Yeah, you hated him. Please tell me that he's not your boyfriend. Is he still mean and calling you Mary?"

"Yes, it is him. We ran into each other a couple of weeks ago. He offered me one of his spare rooms in his loft. I agreed and we only started dating like four days ago. No, he isn't the same boy from high school. He has grown up and matured. He still calls me Mary but he said that is his special name for me. He doesn't mean it in the same taunting way as he did in high school. It's sort of like Logan's nickname Ace."

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