Chapter70: Wedding Bells ring

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Well, today is the day Michael and Deena get married. I am so nervous and sad that my firstborn son is getting married even tho I absolutely adore his wife. He's my son and I can't believe he is all grown up. 

Tristan is taking it really well it's me having the issues because let's just admit the truth Michael and Brayden have always been mommy boys. Emmy is a daddy's girl completely and has been since she was able to walk and talk. 

I mean the boys went camping and did the manly stuff with their dad. Just like Emmy and I always did the shopping, pedicures, manicures, and hair appointments together. We did the girly stuff but she is a daddy's girl. 

The bridesmaids, grandmas, and mothers have hair appointments at the annex this morning. Then we will head to the place where the ceremony will take place. They are getting married at Elizabeth Park Conservancy. 

They found a beautiful area to hold the ceremony. We will have everyone walk from the gazebo, through the arches which are lined with pink and now white flowers, then she will walk to Michael we have lined the ground with white silk aisle runners. We have two hundred chairs set up for guests. 

The reception will be held at Pond House Café on the property. We are serving chicken, shrimp, and steak for the entrees. With their choice of side items which we have a total of eight sides available. 

We have a dessert table and the photographer will be able to take some amazing photos with the kids and their wedding party. It is going to be a beautiful ceremony and reception. I bought a beautiful pink dress the color of the roses and her bouquets. Tristan has a black suit with a matching shirt with a pink and white striped silk tie. So we match perfectly. 

Tristan walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck. "Good morning my lovely wife. Are you ready for today?"

"Yes and no. I mean our firstborn son is getting married in five hours. I am happy but at the same time I am sad."

"I know baby, look we are going to watch our son get married and we are going to gain a new daughter today. We aren't losing our son we are gaining a daughter. They promised to keep doing our Sunday night dinners after they return from their honeymoon."

"Why didn't we make ugly kids? Then they would never have gotten married they would always be our little babies."

He laughed, "well, baby I don't know I guess they got their good looks from their good-looking parents. I mean I am happy we didn't have ugly kids. Our boys are damn good looking and our daughter is absolutely gorgeous. Look soon we will have a houseful of little kids running around and we will be grandparents. I personally can't wait for that."

"I know damn us and our good looks." She looked up at him and smiled. "I am kind of excited as well to become a nana. I am just really sad my son is getting married. He was our first born and he made us a mommy and daddy. Damn Tristan, we are getting old."

"Speak for yourself, my beautiful wife. I still feel like I am sixteen. Maybe because that is when I fell in love with you but I am so happy we are married and I never could have lived as happy of a life as I have without you. You my lovely bride have made my life better than I could have ever imagined. That is what I want our children to experience an amazing love that just makes you smile. I want our kids to feel what I have felt for you and you for me. I can die a happy man if that happens. I see how our kids look at their significant others and how they look at our kids and I feel that they love each other very much."

"I know dear and everything you just said is very true. I mean Alex looks at Em with so much love. Brayden looks at Adrianna the same way, and Michael looked at Deena like that the first time he saw her. It was really love at first sight and we were there to witness it. I really wish that you and I had reconnected sooner so we could have had more years together. That is honestly my only regret in this life is that I wasn't able to love you longer."

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