Chapter 7: Can it really be this great

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Rory's POV:

I have gotten everything unpacked and my room is really coming together well. I have already written three chapters. I have only been here for three days and have accomplished so much more than I would have been able to in Stars Hollow. 

I have to make a trip to Stars Hollow in two days. I am looking forward to spending time with mom. 

Tristan has been really great we have talked a lot and I think I am starting to have feelings for him. I swear the way he looks at me with such intensity and sometimes desire. 

We were watching movies last night and sitting cuddled up on the couch and I thought he was going to kiss me. 

We have been doing dinner every night and tonight he is going to give me my first cooking lesson. Let's just hope I don't burn the loft down. 

Tristan's POV:

I am really falling in love with Rory. We have been spending every night watching movies and hanging out. We have been talking and learning a lot about each other since we lost touch.

We were watching a movie last night and we were cuddled on the couch and I really wanted to kiss her but I am so afraid of messing things up. I want to wait until she is ready.

I am going to give her a cooking lesson tonight. I figured we would start out with something simple and easy. 

So, we are making spaghetti, garlic toast, and salad. I want her to know that she can take care of herself without having to eat frozen or packaged stuff. 

If I can get her to trust me and hopefully fall in love with me I want to marry her. I want her to be my wife and the mother of my children.  

I know that will take some time. I have waited fourteen years and I can and will wait as long as I have to. 

I am so glad today is a short day. I am in my last class and I am ready to be home and see her. I can't even concentrate on what the professor is saying. I am glad he sends an email of what today's discussion was with class notes. I can study when Mare goes back to Stars Hollow. Maybe I will be able to actually concentrate.

Rory is sitting in the living room reading a book when Tristan walks in. He looks at her wishing she was his where he could walk over and kiss her when he came home. 

"How's was your day Mare?"

"It was good. I got three chapters finished, got everything unpacked, and my room completely set up. Since then I have just been reading waiting on you to get home.

"You were waiting for me to get home. Huh? That's intriguing." 

Rory blushed she knew what she said and she had let him know she was waiting on him. "I just... I was... Um waiting on you so we could... Um, watch a movie. Yeah, I was wanting to watch a movie."

Tristan knew that Rory realized what she said and she started having trouble coming up with an excuse. He smiled and shook his head at her. Even when she was in Stars Hollow packing they had texted every day for hours.  


"Nothing Mare. I couldn't wait to come home either. I missed you."


"Yes, really."


"Truthfully?" He raised his eyebrow questioning her.


"Look Rory I hope what I am fixing to say doesn't scare you or freak you out. If you are really ready for the truth I will tell you everything."

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