Chapter 20

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Amara's pov...

I woke up the next morning with the worst headache ever. I looked for my phone as I searched my surroundings, not being able to find it, I held my head between my palms as I groaned in agony. Alright, this hangover was eating me up. I looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings as I realized I wasn't in my room. After thinking hard I remembered,

Marriage/ Dance/ Fight/ Bar/ A guy forcing himself on me, and me saving myself/ And Ian coming to rescue.

Ooh! I am married!!! Then I remembered asking Ian to stay with me yesterday night, oh dear what in the world was I thinking. I looked to my right but the bed was empty, Thank god I sighed. Searching the wall for a clock I checked the time. It read 8 o'clock.

Shoot!! I have an office to get to. I am the boss of a multi-billionaire company. I was getting up from the bed when my eyes landed on the bedside table and I saw migraine tablets with a note "Take these it will help with the hangover, IM :)".  I smiled unknowingly as I took them and gulped them with water. After all, he is not that big of an asshole.

I hurried up and got ready for the office. I rinsed my hair as I showered with lavender and lemon my favorite, clad in my business outfit, and practically sprinted down the stairs for breakfast. I was late, fucking late because of Mr. Ian Morningstar. My company needs me and this. Arghh, this is all his fault. 

I made it down and saw him sitting there already dressed in his well-tailored suit

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I made it down and saw him sitting there already dressed in his well-tailored suit. I looked at him with resentment as I hurriedly picked up the first thing I saw on the table to eat, "Good Morn.", he was saying but I didn't let him finish and rushed to the main door. I checked my bag for my phone and car keys as I got out of the door. 

Getting in my car I hurried out of there

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Getting in my car I hurried out of there. Jesus, I didn't want to face him after yesterday. What will I say to him? How will I face him? Today we even have a meeting together at 12 and right now I had to go and check if everything was prepared for it. I am a working woman and I don't give a fuck if I was married yesterday. However, it doesn't even matter it's forced for fucks sake. 

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