Chapter 3

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Amara's pov...

"Chris, hurry up I can't be late to work. We are already late". Yes ma'am.

"Chris not again", Chris has been working for us since I was five years old. He is almost like a father to me. 

Yes, Amara he laughed, we have reached by the way :D

"Thank you, Chris".

I hurried to the entrance, as I entered everyone greeted me 'Good morning' with big smiles and I greeted them back with a smile of my own. 

"Hello, Figi 20th floor please". 

Sure, ma'am. 

"How is your daughter Figi" :) 

She is good ma'am. She is in junior high now. 

Amazing, that is great". 

Thank you, ma'am.

Good morning Miss. Davies. 

"Morning, is father in the office". 

Yes, ma'am he is and... 

"Alright Anna, thanks".

Maam but...

As soon as I entered my office I saw a man standing with his back towards me ' that same blue tux'. 

"Umm excuse me"

He slowly turned around I was startled. It was the same handsome jerk, whose cappuccino I had spilled on the floor.

He looked at me and smirked. Obviously, why won't he, after all. I thought we won't ever see each other again and here we are meeting again, I scowled.

"YOU!! What are you doing in my fucking office".

"Anna...Anna"...I called for her without letting him speak.

Yes ma'am!

"Where is father?" I asked her without removing my eyes from the handsome man standing in front of me.

Maam he just went to have coffee with Mr. Morningstar he will be up in a few, I will inform him that you have arrived. I nodded as she left.

As I turned back to face the man he had inched closer to me, not leaving much space to even breathe.

I don't know why all of a sudden my breathing was hoarse, his cologne was playing with my thoughts and I felt very nervous under his eyes. As I looked closer into his eyes I noticed they were ocean blue with gorgeous golden freckles. And Jesus were they beautiful. I don't know for how long I was staring.

I finally mustered up the courage to focus and ask him while trying to move away from his reach.

Wha..what are you doing in my office ? And who are you ?
I asked as I looked at him confidently.

Good morning Amara Davies i heard him say while smirking down at me. I am Ian. Ian Morningstar.

Before I could say anything I heard my father say...

Ian's pov...

I was waiting in Miss. Amara Davies office as ordered by father. I was looking at the view from her office, and I must say it's beautiful.

As I was thinking about my father's words about the wedding and profits for both companies, I heard a very angelic voice say 'umm excuse me' when I slowly turned around I saw the woman from morning whom I had an encounter with at the cafeteria. Hmm now, this is gonna be fun I thought as I smirked.

But Before I could say anything she called out for some Anna, assuming it is her assistant I heard her speak to her.

I was looking at Amara. I hadn't noticed her yet. Now as I look at her she looks quite decent to me in that white business suit hugging her in all the right places. Big breasts, thin waist, perfect ass and her beautiful dark brown hair. She looks very tempting with that red lipstick and I just wish I could kiss those lips and take her right now on her desk. Don't worry Ian you will make her yours very soon. As these naughty thoughts were running in my head...I heard...

Anna was leaving and without wasting time I quickly made my way towards Amara not leaving much space between us.

As she turned around she had a look of shock covering her beautiful face, I could feel she was nervous with our proximity.
And I liked it this way. We were starting hard at each other when she asked me
Wha..what are you doing in my office? And who are you?
She asked, and tried to push me.

Good morning Amara Davies I said smirking. Hah, I know her name now. I am Ian. Ian Morningstar.

Before I could give a reply to her I heard Mr. Davies say...

So I guess you two have met each other already.

I looked at Mr. Davies and my father as I gently pushed Amara aside.

Bonjour Ian Mr. Forbes greeted me.
Bonjour monsieur (Good day sir in French).

Come Let's sit and talk, Lucas.
As we sat down Nathan ( Amara's dad ) looked at his daughter.

Amara's pov....

As we sat my papa looked at me with this unknown emotion in his eyes.

Amara what I am going to ask from you now is something very serious and it's my only wish. I know it will be a lot to ask but it's very important. It will even help with bringing our companies up and we will have a lot of profit in the market. I nodded at papa and asked him to proceed.

Amara, Lucas and I have decided to get you both married, as the words came out of his mouth I looked at him shocked my eyes big as saucers and I started to laugh lightly. Papa you're joking right. I mean you wouldn't do that to me. But he didn't say a word. He was silent and I knew he wasn't joking...I was hurt will be an understatement, why will my papa do this to me.

I looked at Ian and he didn't seem shocked, as if he already knew. Oh my goodness all of them were aware,  except me. This selfish beast he never said a word about it.

"No. Papa I can't marry this person." I say sizing him up with my eyes.

Amara I did not ask you. It has already been decided.

But papa...

Yes Ian and Amara it's decided and you two are getting married in two weeks.
Also your engagement is in two days, Lucas said.

Whattttt !???? We both shouted at the same time and looked at each other.

Hey guys :)
I am back with the new chapter.
Finally they met again. And they are getting engaged in two days...EXCITED ??

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