Chapter 13

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Ian's pov...

I was sitting in my office waiting for Miss. Davies arrival when someone knocked on the door. Come in, I said. Miss...I stopped mid-sentence when I saw it wasn't her.

But it was some woman I fucked once. I can't remember her name. Uuh..what are you here for?

She didn't answer me but came near me while she quickly took her top off. She started undoing the buttons of my shirt and obviously, I started enjoying it.

I am a man with needs but suddenly I also felt like an asshole. I am engaged to Amara now should I be doing this? 

I was so consumed in these thoughts that I totally forgot about Miss. Davies coming here. I  could only feel this woman rubbing my shaft. And I absolutely needed the release after thinking of her all night yesterday and being super frustrated.

Suddenly the sound of heels clicking was heard and someone stepped into my office without knocking, because of my already pent-up frustration I shouted at the person and when I turned around my breath knocked out of me. I regretted it that instant. For a few seconds, I went pale.

How will I explain this to her? Not that there is any requirement to do so...but still chances of bedding her have reduced now.

I was expressionless again as she looked at me and then Sasha or whatever her name is. 

I was going to speak but before I could, this slut opened her mouth. I was shocked by what she said would be an understatement. 

What The Fuckk... I looked at Amara and saw her calm posture. How can she be so calm after what she witnessed and what this woman is telling her? I stared as she smiled and very gracefully walked to where we were standing. 

I must admit Miss. Davies is a definition of perfection. How is she so beautiful, so graceful. Isn't this affecting her at all? Doesn't she care who I fuck. Doesn't it matter to her? Oh, this is making me want her more and more. Even if it doesn't matter to her, it sure does matter to me. I dare any guy to touch her body. No one can and no one will. She belongs with me.

As they stood facing each other I noticed actually how beautiful my Amara is. Wtf Ian My Amara!?

My jaw dropped when she behaved as if it didn't matter to her. How could someone be so stubborn and strong-willed, something was happening inside me when I saw how she took a stand for herself and spoke with such confidence and such aura.

I swear I could have kissed her right at that moment. I was looking at her when I heard her speak menacingly "he is my fiance you bitch", Fuckkk someone is burning, I smirked at the thought of her getting jealous over me.

But she shocked me more when she taught her to value her body. I looked at Sasha and noticed how she was boiling in anger and was about to do the unthinkable. Before she could slap Amara, I held her wrist and twisted her arm around, and asked her to get the fuck out of here and our lives. How dare she even think she could even lay a finger on Miss. Davies.

I couldn't tolerate it...I don't know why but I just couldn't. Was it because of me? Because I gave her that power by letting her fuck me. I know I just want Miss. Davies in my bed but the desire to have her keep rising. Maybe because I am aware of how difficult a woman she is. Maybe I was wrong about her being a slut. But I know every woman wants one thing!

Next chapter coming soon


thank you ;)

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