Chapter 29

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I watch her plop down Indian style on the couch and slide her laptop to her lap. Her thick thighs and boobs jiggle as she gets comfortable.

Ooh what I will give to just have my face buried/pressed between those thighs and boobs squeezing the life out of me, just so I can slurp on every single drop of her juices.

Fuck, focus you perverted human being. Focus on the current situation and we will think about everything else later.

I clear my throat as I begin "Uhumm Amara" she innocently looks up at me from her laptop screen and tilts her head to her right as if telling me to speak and fuck off from here ASAP.

I still invite myself in and take a seat beside her on the couch so that I am facing her, I rub my neck in nervousness as I look at her,  Goodness I have never been this anxious infront of a woman before "Amara, I..umm" suddenly she moves her laptop from her lap and takes my palm in her soft ones, encouraging me to speak. I FEEL SO STUPID RIGHT NOW. WHAT MUST SHE THINK OF ME!?

I finally look up at her as I apologize"Amara I wanted to apologize to you" Her grip on my hand suddenly loses but I hold them tighter, I stare into her eyes as I speak further.  "I was wrong and I want to admit it to you, I know I could have handled my emotions better yet I didn't. I don't know what happens to me when you are the person in question, I start to lose all my sensibility. I turn into this immature boy, who I am not.  I know I shouldn't have tried to dictate you or lecture you on your life. Neither should have I misbehaved with you. You are a beautiful and talented woman and you deserve a man not some immature boy. I am nobody to tell you what you can wear and where you can go. I realize my mistake and I am sorry for my behaviour. Also, umm I wanted to know if you would like to give a chance to this marriage mia cara" I say as I caress her cheekbones and trace it down to her jawline. She leans into my hand as she bites down on her luscious lips.

"Amara I won't deny the fact anymore that I am somewhere" here I say pointing to my heart "possessive about you, and at the same time I want to take care of you, protect you from this world. I don't know what this is" I say pointing between us "But I am willing to give US a chance, are you?"


I stay sat on the couch rather awestruck by Ian's words. I was not expecting this from him at all. I am at loss of words after he finishes with his apology and something about giving this marriage a chance.

I do not take my eyes off of him as I lean forward and take his face into my hands. I stroke his sharp cheekbones and bring him closer, slowly shutting my eyes I touch his lips with mine in a featherlight kiss. I start kissing him passionately like I have never kissed before. He doesn't kiss me back for few seconds before he finally flutters his eyes close and pulls me onto his lap by grabbing onto my hips. The kiss gets heated as we both are not ready to let go and just devour at eachother's lips, at eachother's mercy, bringing eachother to the edge.

We keep on kissing eachother till our lips are swollen and full, we pull at eachother's hair in the lecherous moment as we kiss.

We both finally let go of eachother as I take in heavy breaths and whisper brushing my lips to his "Take me on a date" he looks at me wide eyed, as he gives me one of the most mischievous yet beautiful smile I have ever seen with his hair disheveled and strands falling on his forehead.

I put my hands on his chest to push myself off him but he pulls me even closer if possible and kisses my cheek. I blush like a fucking tomato as I look at him with this emotion I can't decipher yet in my eyes. I settle myself onto his lap comfortably and ask him the question that's bothering me at the moment, "Ian, all this is fine but I just want to know why now. Why do you care about me all of a sudden when you blame me for this marriage, where is this coming from?

Listen, If this is some game, don't bother playing it because it's of no use. I will not deny that there is a lot of tension between us and maybe we even feel lust for eachother but" I babe always had trust issues after my boyfriend cheated on me with my cousin Marina. I always thought that her and I were soul sisters, always joined by the hip, I guess some relations are just a pretense and in reality it's just ugly.

I hesitate a little before continuing "Look I know whatever you said was difficult for you to say and you can't expect me to not be shocked, to be very honest I wasn't expecting a truce between us or thinking that this thing is going to work,  I still don't however, I want to try and give this a chance as well"

"But I want an answer Ian before we move forward with this"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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