Chapter 9

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Mature Content (18+)

Amara's pov...

I had to take a shower after Ray arrived because that idiot will always be one of the clumsiest people I know. He fucking spilled coffee all over us. He came to meet me and relive the college days and then offered to make us some coffee. But unfortunately for me he didn't know how to use my coffee maker. And the rest is history.

As I was in a hurry when the very hot coffee spilled on me and the sole reason like why I rushed to the shower without taking my clothes with me.

Now when I think of it I regret not taking it with me. I am here standing in a compromising position with Ian. Because, like c'mon I didn't expect that I will find him in the room. I was going to ask Ray to leave the room when I would have stepped out but well he can not be found.

I screamed when I saw him and tried to cover myself.

Thousands of thoughts ran through my mind..........What was he doing here ? What did he need now ? Why was he standing  near my book shelf ? Did he go through my books ? Oh my God !! *Fingers crossed* I hope he didn't. Why is he smirking? And Jesus!! why is he coming closer to me????

I started moving back as I realised i was only in my towel and Ian was coming towards me. Now here I am...

Trapped between this man's huge arms and the wall, only a towel wrapped around my petite body and the black lingerie not covering much under the towel. {P.S. I love lingerie so ;) I have the best collection} separating us.

He is known for his ways with the girls who I quote "even beg to sleep with him", hunh utter nonsense.

But I couldn't come to talk when I saw this man in my room my lips were sealed. I couldn't believe what was happening with me, he without losing eye contact stood only inches apart from me.

Gasping and looking at his now catastrophic eyes which have darkened more...I started to stutter...

Who Amara? Ray are you looking for him babe...


Amara's pov...

Miss. Davies, he asked again but I was so lost in my thoughts that I did not even move as he stood close to me. My soft perky breasts pressed against his chest, making him groan out my name. Miss. Davies, yet still no response was given by me.

When he started leaning closer to me and breathed down my neck his hands still on the wall, Shivers ran through my body and reached to my core. For the first time in years, I was feeling anxious.

He could do anything to me and the thought of it excited me. My excitement was felt when I felt myself get wet down there.

I tightly squinted my eyes and stood there as his lips finally made contact with my neck sending electric shocks through my whole body. I was too nervous to say anything now. I tried pushing him away but he was too big for me to be able to move a muscle. I gasped when he sucked.

 I tried to stop any voice from coming out of my mouth. I can't say it didn't feel good cause it felt amazing. I started to give in when I tilted my neck to the left and felt sensual. I felt his left hand on one of my love handle and the other on the back of my head as he started swiveling his hands through my hair and started licking my neck with his long and warm tongue. Oh my, he smelt like mint and dark chocolate. He smells so manly. I got so lost that...My knees started to wobble and I closed my eyes and felt him ride his amazingly and surprisingly soft for a man's lips from my neck to my ear. His hand glided from my waist down to my ass and I felt him grab it.

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