Chapter 12

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Amara's pov

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Amara's pov...

Oh Jesus, I am running late. I have got so much lined up for the day. 

Maam you have to send Mr. Morningstar the legally binding papers and then you have to send your designers the design for the wedding dress ASAP. However, you also have this meeting with the Bracks in the evening and for the night....   STOP thank you Anna but you can get back to work on the documents for Bracks now...Everyone needs break so let's not decide my plans for the night yet I thought to myself.

Umm...I sat in the car and asked Chris to take me to my office first. I think I will first give the design for my dress to Siya and Parker. I  was wearing a white formal short dress and a silk scarf on my neck with ruby matte shade on my lips. I had applied mascara and a thin line of black eyeliner on my eyes.

As I reached my office, I was greeted by everyone and Anna bought my coffee to my office. Siya and Parker were already present in the waiting room and followed me as soon as they saw me.

So, I would start with the basics you two. You don't have much time, got a lot to do. So listen with whole focus. I am giving you the design for the dress today and I need it prepared by the day after.  It will be a white gown with lacy net cloth on the breast part, a deep neckline and silk white flow from my waistline till my feet. Also there will be a slit from near my left upper thigh. Adding to it will be a metallic belt on the waistline. We don't have much time, so hurry up you guys..Ya'll already have my measurements. Alrighty!! Crystal?

Yes ma'am, they replied simultaneously. Cool!! Now you can leave.

I drank my coffee as I thought about my life's turning events. I thought how i always wanted to fall in love with a man first and then get happily married to him. 

After that I hurried down to my car as we drove to Ian's office. Hunh that asshole has dropped in a message telling me to come and drop the file by myself so that not a single paper is misplaced. I didn't really find his reason valid but something in me pushed me to go myself. As if I wanted to see him for myself. As if I wanted to thoughts were interrupted because we reached his building.

As I entered the building I looked was a huge open area with white and gold walls. The furniture  was all expensive mahagony...There was a very small coffee parlour on the right...HmmClassy... I moved further as I looked at a boy standing at the Help desk on the right, I quickly asked him about Ian's office and he told me to take the lift on the further corridor and press for the 24th floor, top floor.

I stepped in the lift and saw it had a full length mirror. Adjusting my hair and running my hands softly through it, I looked at myself and smiled confidently. As the lift dinged indicating I have reached I hurried out and looked on the left to find a receptionist. Hi Rita I am here to meet Mr. Morningstar...Will you inform him Miss. Amara Davies is here...I saw as she stared me up and down and made a disgusting face. She smirked as she said with a scratchy voice "It's alright Miss.Davies he is in his office only I will take you there" As she led me to his office I noticed there was no other person on this floor. 

There was a huge mahogany door

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There was a huge mahogany door. Rita opened it for me to enter and left.

As my heel clicked on the floor and I looked up, I saw a girl sitting on his lap her lil' crop top on the floor, and how she was kissing down his neck. His face was turned to the other side, I was so disgusted right now that I could absolutely puke right here. 

I decided to break the deafening silence, well except that girl's moans in the room.

As I cleared my throat bringing their attention to me. Ian stopped her and stood up as he almost shouted don't you know, you're to knock before you enter my office. As he turned around and found out it was me and not Rita his demeanor changed as he said, Oh it's you. I think I saw his face got pale for a second but soon it turned expressionless. *AWKWARD SILENCE* Oh this silence was killing me right now. His body is soo good. Uhh...excuse me, Amara...FOCUS...he was literally fucking another girl right now..

I looked at him with a look that shouted Disgusting, as he stood there shirtless. The silence was short lived as the cat in the room decided to open her mouth.

What the fuck...who are you? Don't you know how to knock before entering. And don't you see you intruded something very important here. The fuck do you think of yourself you whore. Leave right now, slut. We were in middle of... That was it...How dare she!! No one and I mean no one talks to me like that.

I didn't let her finish as I walked towards her smiling very gracefully and calmly as she looked at me confused. I stood tall infront of her, and as I looked down on her and felt pity for her. 

Oh My God!! Did I disturb you guys...

You want to know something, I was just going to leave but before I could do that you chose to open this petty lil' mouth of yours.

Anyways You Know What!! Now you listen to me very carefuly. I didn't want to break your dreams or your black heart but... I am not the shameless slut in the room, You are. He is my fiance you bitch. 

And Nobody!! And I mean it nobody talks to me that bloddy way!! Just so you have a clear picture of your acts you are the one who was in this man's lap and not I. Now Wear that dress and get moving. I can tolerate anything but this attitude towards me.  

Also Don't you have a little bit respect for yourself, No Dignity it all away to a man who is not even going to look at you ever again. Now as You are extremely aware of the fact that this man is someone's fiance. So you better Leave...

She looked at me angered as she laughed crazily. Do I look like I care that he is someones fiance?

Well I should have expected that from you..but I chose to believe that you respect yourself..

She was about to raise her hand on me but before she could, Ian held her wrist and twisted her around.


As she got dressed and left the office running...I finally looked up at Ian and saw him smirking down at me. I was pissed right now. What the fuck! What kind of behaviour is this..I am going to teach this man a lesson today!! I looked at him as he stared at me and my neck with this unreadable look.

Miss. Davies he finally said huskily. 

HEY GUYS :) I am back with a new chapter.

Today's my birthday bitches 😉😁 I love you all so much...Thanks for supporting me. This is my birthday post 💗

What do you think will happen now? Will they still get married?

What did you think of Amara? The way she took stand for herself and her fierce attitude. Oh I abso fuckin lutely love Amara...

Next chapter is going to be Ian's pov ;) Are you guys excited?

Comment down below and please vote and follow :)

Love ya Readers ;) 

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